The Baron’s Bride – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 101280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 506(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

I realized he was talking about the bright, poison green color of the coat, which clearly marked me as a Blood Whore.

“Well, as long as nobody, uh, does anything to it,” I said reluctantly.

“It’ll be right here where you left it when you’re ready to go,” the Baron promised me gravely, though he could probably buy about a thousand fur coats and not even blink.

“Okay, well then…thank you.” I bobbed my head awkwardly and began to unbutton it. I was about to shrug it off and hang it on one of the hooks, when something occurred to me. Reaching into the pocket, I pulled out his sigil. “Here,” I said, holding it out to him.

To my surprise, the Baron shook his head.

“Keep it for now,” he told me. “No matter what else happens, you’re under my protection—at least for the next twenty-eight solar hours.”

“All right. Thank you.” I nodded again as I put the sigil back in my pocket.

“Though I do at least like to know the name of the one who is carrying my sigil,” the Baron said as he watched me.

“Oh, sorry! Natalie—my name is Natalie Hale,” I said. I would have offered to shake hands but that’s not a thing they do on O’nagga Nine. Instead, I shrugged out of the coat.

“Natalie—I like that name.” The Baron nodded as I hung it on a hook and then motioned for me to follow him.

He led me down the long hallway to a small, cozy room with a single round table and two chairs set up in it. It had a lovely view of the city—all the tall towers of ice rising around the Baron’s building, which occupied a central point in the middle. They were all gilded with the faint gleam of O’nagga Nine’s distant sun and they sparkled like giant crystals just beyond the floor-to ceiling window.

“Oh—what a beautiful view!” I couldn’t help exclaiming. I was frozen in the doorway, staring at it.

“Yes, I guess it is, isn’t it?” the Baron rumbled speculatively. “I suppose I don’t notice it anymore.”

“I’ve never seen the city from this angle—this height,” I told him. “All I see are the dirty, endless tunnels.” Which was true—living in the lower strata of Naggian society literally meant living down in the dark—sometimes I felt like I lived in a big, endless cave I could never get out of.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” the Baron said unexpectedly. “Would you like to come in? The servants will be getting breakfast on the table in a few minutes.”

“Oh, yes—thank you.” I nodded as he ushered me into the room.

As promised, there was a fireplace on one wall and a small but sturdy blaze was already crackling inside it. I was drawn to it like a magnet.

“Oh sweet baby Jesus—warmth!” I moaned happily as I went to stand right in front of the flickering flames. I held out my hands and felt the heat beating on my cheeks and all along the front of my body. I closed my eyes in pure ecstasy and soaked it in.

“I see you like my fireplace,” I heard the Baron rumble, sounding slightly amused at my reaction.

“You don’t understand—I haven’t been warm for a single minute—not one single minute—from the day I stepped foot on this God-forsaken rock!” I exclaimed. Then I realized what I’d said and looked quickly over to see if I’d offended him. “I mean, sorry—I know it’s your home, but it’s nothing at all like what I’m used to.”

“I spend part of my time on the Braxian home world as well,” he said neutrally. “So I don’t consider O’nagga Nine my only home—nor do I fucking consider it a very nice place to live,” he added thoughtfully.

“It’s not,” I said with feeling. “At least, not when you’re down on my level.”

“Hmm, yes—I can imagine the life of a Blood Whore is pretty hard,” he rumbled.

“It’s horrible,” I said honestly. “And it’s not what I’m used to. Back on my planet, I was working on my PhD—that’s an advance academic degree,” I added, seeing the confusion on his face. “I know Naggian women don’t usually go far in school, but I was going all the way. My goal was to teach in the university when I was done.”

I didn’t know why I was telling him all this—maybe I just wanted to make it really clear that I wasn’t just a Blood Whore and that I hadn’t been back home either—hadn’t been until I was forced into it.

“And you’re from Earth?” he asked, surprising me.

“Yes—how did you know?” I asked.

“My guests—Lord Bart and his little pet,” he reminded me. “The pet—little one or ‘Elli’ as you call her—was from your world as well.”

“Oh yes!” I nodded. “She came to find me because she said she knew I needed help.”

“And do you?” He raised an eyebrow at me.


