The Bad Boy – Black Mountain Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 57476 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

“Yeah,” Racer said and leaned back on the couch. “It’s late as fuck.”

Racer stared at the brunette with what could be called “let me fuck you” written across his face. Alex felt this unjust annoyance over that.

The brunette started cleaning up the paperwork, both still unaware he was watching them.

“You sure you’re not too tired to drive, Mary? I can take you home if you want.” Racer grinned and leaned forward again, resting his forearms on his thighs.

Mary. Fuck, her name sounded so innocent.

She stood and the look on her face said she knew exactly where the fuck Racer’s thoughts were. “I’m good,” she said matter-of-factly. Racer grinned, but my focus was drawn to her body as she bent over to organize the papers and put the books in her bag.

She wore a pair of cutoff shorts, and her long legs were the color of honey. Her t-shirt wasn’t too tight that he could see a whole lot, and although that was a little disappointing, he also liked the fact she was more modest than a lot of the females that hung around in his circle.

She grabbed her bags and turned back to Racer. Alex should have left, but fuck if he could actually find the strength to move.

He watched the way she lifted her long dark hair off her shoulder, so it hung in a waterfall of silk down her back. And fuck if that wasn’t one of the hottest things he’d ever witnessed.

“Maybe you can come over again tomorrow?”

Alex would have laughed at the hopeful tone in Racer’s voice if he didn’t feel this uncontrollable jealousy that Racer was trying so hard with a girl who was clearly his tutor.

She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and gave him a pitying smile. “I actually have to tutor someone else tomorrow, and after that I have plans, but I can give you a call and see when I have an opening? It’ll probably be next week, though.”

He gave a nod but that cocky smile was still on Racer’s face, as if he liked the challenge that Mary clearly wasn’t interested. Racer could have girls dropping their panties left and right, but it was obvious Mary wasn’t feeling it with him, and the poor sap didn’t know what to fucking do with himself.

She started heading toward the front door, her focus on the ground and not where she was going. Alex could have easily moved out of the way, but then he wouldn’t have had an excuse to introduce himself. She ran right into him, and he gently took hold of her upper arms, steadying her as he heard her startled gasp. He inhaled deeply.

Fuck, she smelled like something sweet and citrusy. His damn cock hardened instantly, and he willed the asshole to go limp. What kind of introduction would it be if his erection was pointing north right between them?

“God, I’m sorry.” She glanced up at him and the fogginess of the alcohol in his system dimmed enough that she was crystal clear right in front of him. Her eyes were big and bluer than anything he’d ever seen.

“Totally my fault.” She moved a step back and out of his grasp, and for a second he refused to let go of her arms.

But reality crashed back into him and he let go to run a hand over his hair. No doubt he smelled like a brewery, but she smiled and said nothing, and started walking away so he spoke quickly.

“Alex,” he said, and she glanced over her shoulder.

“Excuse me?”

He cleared his throat. “Alex Sheppard. And you’re?” He’d heard what her name was, but he wanted her to tell him, wanted to hear it from those lush, pink lips.

Her smile was back in place. “Mary Trellis.”

He was a foot taller than her, and the V-cut of her shirt made it easy to see the slight swells of her breasts right under the collar.

“Up here, Alex.”

He snapped his gaze up but felt no shame in the fact he’d been caught checking her out. “Sorry,” he said but he’d be lying if he said he meant it.

She smiled, all straight white teeth and a little dimple on her right cheek. “Pretty sure I’ve heard your name around campus. Football player, right? Pretty big deal as the quarterback for BMU?”

Alex didn’t like how she made him feel: confused, juvenile, and horny as hell. They had only shared a few sentences, yet she made him feel unbalanced, and it wasn’t something he’d ever experienced before regarding the opposite sex.

A moment of awkward silence passed before she lifted her hand in a wave. “Alright then, see ya.” She waved again at Racer who was now leaning against the stairs. He wore a satisfied and knowing smirk on his face.

“Here, let me walk you to your car,” he found himself saying before he knew what the fuck he was doing.


