Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Deception Trilogy Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 103852 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 519(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 346(@300wpm)

Today has been productive.

My gaze flits to Lia, who’s sitting beside me in the car. She stopped pleading and trying to escape her fate, the desperation replaced by quietness. Maybe tying the knot has made her realize that there’s no way out for her.

Though I doubt she’ll accept it that so easily. She’s never really gotten used to having me in her life, and now, I’ve taken it a step further. But as I said, she’ll have all the time in the world to process it. After she’s safe from everyone—aside from me.

I take my time observing her as the lights outside reflect off her soft features. Her hands lie limply on her lap. They’re as delicate as the rest of her—breakable, even.

Just like her leg.

When her dream shattered in front of her, I felt a twisting in my gut. One I haven’t experienced since Aunt Annika’s death. I wanted to shield her from the world and everyone in it, and I knew that the only way to do that would be to bring her under my protection—officially.

She’d become a target, too, but as long as she’s in my sights at all times, I’ll be able to take care of her. Because there’s no way in fuck anyone is taking her away from me.

I may not be able to fully grasp the extent of my obsession with her, but the need to protect her and own every inch of her is a raging, insatiable beast.

Lia is still that delicate flower. However, there’s always been a simmering strength behind her apparent fragility. An inner energy humming under the surface, waiting for a chance to burst free. I’ve felt it when she’s underneath me while I’m fucking her, and also during her nightmares.

She bottles things up until they eventually explode, whether in the form of passion or bad dreams, no one knows.

The dress is a perfect fit, hugging her soft curves and enhancing her elegance. This look is probably my favorite of hers, not only because of the wedding dress, but also because of what it signifies.

She’s my bride.

My wife.

Fucking mine.

A dark sense of obsession takes hold of me, urging me to rip off that dress and sink inside her tight heat.

It takes everything in me to stop such thoughts and focus on what’s left to do tonight.

“This isn’t the way to my apartment,” she says meekly, her voice quiet.

“We’re not going back to your apartment. Ever.”


“The lease is ending in a month, anyway. Besides, as my wife, you’ll live in my house.”

Her hands ball into fists. “When were you going to inform me of such facts?”

“I just did.”

Her sharp glare cuts to me like a double-edged sword. “What if I said I don’t want to leave my apartment?”

“Then you’d be lying, and I told you not to do that. You’ve been suffocating in there for the past couple of weeks, getting more depressed by the day because it reminds you of ballet.”

“And your house will be the magical solution?”

“Probably. It’s also better secured.” And I can leave her without obsessively watching the cameras and splitting up my guards all over the place to keep her safe.

Her lips purse as if she wants to argue more but thinks better of it. “I want my things from my apartment.”

“They will be in my house tomorrow.”

“Why can’t we go now?”

“Because we have somewhere else to be.”

A delicate frown creases her features. “We’re not going to your house?”

“Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“You need to pay respects to my Pakhan first.”

Her face pales and her throat bobs with a gentle swallow as her voice lowers. “Do I have to?”

“Yes. We already got married without his presence and we can’t forgo this step. You don’t have to talk. Just kiss his hand when he offers it—that’s all.”

“Does this mean I’ll be part of your organization now?” She sounds spooked—terrified, even—but what she doesn’t understand is that her taking this step was merely a matter of time. It would’ve happened anyway, and the sooner she accepts it, the better.

“You’re part of me, Lia. That’s all you need to worry about.”

Her lips part as if to say something, but she purses them again and stares out the window until we reach Sergei’s house.

I help her out, then lift her in my arms when she struggles with her long dress and the crutch. I expect her to fight, but she doesn’t, her tiny body remains inert against mine as I carry her inside.

Only Kolya follows us in as Sergei’s guards nod at my entering. Lia watches her surroundings like a cornered animal searching for an escape, her brow creasing deeper the farther I stride up the stairs and down the hall.

While her arms are around my neck, her attention is elsewhere. I will have to deal with her attempts to pull away from me whether in body or in mind later.


