Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Deception Trilogy Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 103852 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 519(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 346(@300wpm)

He’s always been dark, but there was at least some light when it came to me. Now, that light is gone, and all that remains is his darkness.

A sob tears from my throat, because I know, I just know that I lost a part of Adrian tonight.

The part I fell in love with.



I tap my finger against my thigh as I stare out my office window.

The view in front of me gives me an urge to cut someone down.

Him, preferably.

Lia is sitting in the garden, holding Jeremy and smiling as she talks to him. Then, she directs that smile at my fucker guard, Yan.

The bastard gives her a toothy grin as he waves at Jeremy.

It’s been two months since Lia attempted to escape. Two months of constant paranoia that she’ll do it again and succeed this time.

I forbade her from going outside after that stunt, but I can do that for only so long before her depression kicks back in and she’ll need a breathing outlet.

Still, I can’t help thinking that one day, I won’t be careful enough, I won’t watch her hard enough, and she’ll vanish into thin air.

That’s why I allowed Yan to get close to her, even though that puts me in the constant mood to kill him. I thought that if he watches her all the time and forms some sort of a friendship with her, he’ll know when she plans to leave. He might not agree with all of my decisions concerning her, but he also doesn’t want her to leave. Unlike her, he knows that what awaits her out there is way worse than what is here.

She’s safe under my roof, where no one would dare to touch her, no matter how much the elders in the brotherhood disapprove of her. Being my wife gives her an immunity that she won’t be able to find anywhere else on earth.

However, there has been a slight miscalculation on my part concerning Yan. Or rather, a misconception. I thought I could handle seeing them getting close.

That’s far from reality.

Every time he’s in her vicinity, my head fills with murderous thoughts that keep getting more creative with each passing day. They become more brutal whenever she smiles at him, like right now. The fact that she rarely offers me her smiles anymore but gives them so freely to Yan gets on my very last nerve.

Maybe I should ship the fucker back to Russia.

Some Spetsnaz training would do his personality good. If he dies there, oh well. What a fucking pity.


“Hmm?” I release an absentminded noise at Kolya’s voice while I continue to stare at Lia and Yan. Even Jeremy, my traitor son, is giggling at him.

“Don’t do it.”

I halt my tapping and stare at my second-in-command sitting across from me with his laptop resting on his thighs. “Don’t do what?”

He pauses, then replies, “Kill Yan.”

“What makes you believe I’m thinking about killing him?”

“The way you stare at him.”

“I wasn’t thinking about killing him.”


“No. The Spetsnaz will take care of it. What’s the most ruthless unit there?”

“You have it in you to get rid of him?”

“If he keeps getting on my nerves, yes.”

“He’s only befriending her, per your orders, sir.”

“I never ordered him to smile at her.”

“If he’s stoic, she’ll never open up to him.”

“Keep defending the fucker, Kolya, and his Spetsnaz future will become a reality sooner rather than later.”

“You can’t send him away and you know it, sir.”

“Of course I can.”

“And leave Mrs. Volkov alone?”

“She’s not alone. She has me.”

“You work all the time. Besides, you’re not talkative enough for her taste.”

“I can be talkative.”

“No offense, sir, but no, you can’t. Let Yan fill that gap. She needs a friend and you’re well aware of it.”

My lips twist in disapproval. I dislike it when Kolya is right. One of the reasons I allowed her to be close to Yan in the first place is because she’s a lonely soul who needs a friend, someone she can feel at ease around.

While I prefer she talks to me, that’s not possible lately, after I snapped at her for trying to leave. Though she comes undone around my dick, mouth, and fingers every night, she’s still scared and wary of me. She counts her every move and word, and even her damn breaths around me now.

I meet Yan’s gaze through the window and beckon at him to come inside. He says something to Lia and she stares back at me, her smile disappearing and her lips parting before she lowers her head and focuses back on Jeremy.

Standing up, I close the shutters. Soon after, Yan knocks on the door before he opens it and comes in. The moment he steps inside, I grab him by the throat and slam him against the wall.

He wheezes, his hands instinctively wrapping around my wrists, but he soon drops them when he meets my murderous expression.


