Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Deception Trilogy Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 103852 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 519(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 346(@300wpm)

“Whether you’re a good slut or a good girl depends on how you obey orders, Lia.”

My stomach clenches and the malevolent butterflies from the last time slash through it, wrecking any semblance of control I thought I was wielding. It was cartoonish all along, meaningless, and with no actual impact. Because the one who has been holding the power in his brutal hands from the get-go is the man who’s standing behind me, confiscating my air and my sanity.

“You won’t get my fingers, though.”


“It’s time I claim you.” While he’s still gripping me by the hair, I hear the unmistakable unbuckling of a belt and the unzipping of pants.

The rhythm of my heart turns scary. Worse than when I have intense workout sessions. Worse than any frightening moment I’ve experienced in my life.

And I realize with terror that it’s because the fear is now mixed with something entirely different. It starts with my sticky inner thighs and ends in my overstimulated core.

He leans over my back and I’m acutely aware of the massive erection nudging against my ass.

Oh, God.

I don’t need to see him to know he’s huge. It’s been a long time for me, so there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to take him.

I close my eyes when his hot breath meets my ears and he murmurs, “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to move, Lia, and when you do, you’ll only feel me inside you.”

I don’t get to analyze his words as he tugs on my underwear and rips them off me. I gasp, both at the barbaric action and the friction that follows at my clit.

Adrian palms my hip and parts my legs with one of his knees, and then he’s rubbing the head of his cock at my entrance.

I suck in a sharp breath when he drags it all the way over my folds and against my clit before going back again. He does it a few times.






My head swims in a dizzy mixture of sensations, unable to take the torture anymore.

“Adrian…” I moan.

“Impatient, Lenochka?”


“Please what?” His voice hardens with arousal and authority.


“I asked, please what?”

“Don’t make me say it.” I’m breathing out the words now, sounding wanton to my own ears.

“I want to hear you say it.”



“Do it.”

“Do what?”

“Fuck me,” I murmur, my ears exploding in flames.

“I didn’t hear that.”

“Fuck me…ahhh.” I moan, then gasp when he sheathes himself inside me in one savage go, his groin slapping against my ass with the force of it.

I choke on the air as it’s knocked out of my lungs. My fingers are white and clammy around the table’s edge as I catch my breath and get used to the sheer size of him.

Did I think he was big? He’s so fucking massive, I can feel him everywhere inside me, all around me, and especially behind me.

I want to turn my head and look at him, see if his expression is as bewildered as mine must look right now. See if the mere penetration is affecting him like it is me. He’s not even moving, but the feel of him inside me pushes me to that edge all over again.

Adrian’s firm hold forbids me from staring at him as he starts moving, thrusting slowly at first, but it’s so deep, I feel the stretching of my walls around him.

“You’re so tight, Lia.” He strains, as if moving inside me is a chore. “So fucking perfect.”

My heartbeat roars in my ears as he ups his speed, hitting a secret part inside me that I didn’t know existed.


“You feel that, Lenochka?”

“Yes…yes… I never…never…ahhh…” I trail off as he hits it again, then pulls my legs farther apart to reach it fully.

“You never what?”

“Never…felt like this…” And it’s not just because of the sharp pangs of pleasure that come with each of his thrusts against it or how he’s taken complete hold of me. It’s about how a monster like him is able to wrench such strong emotions from me, how he hasn’t only entered my body, but is also forcing entry into my soul.

“And you never will at the hands of anyone else. From now on, you’ll forget about any bastard who touched you in the past.” His rhythm becomes uncontrollable, unforgiving, as he rams inside me with a force that rattles the table and my insides.

When he hits that spot again, I’m screaming in a voice I never knew I possessed. It’s so long and raw, like standing at the peak of a mountain and shouting at the top of my lungs to my heart’s content.

And just like that, I’m free. Like that day in my bedroom, I’m having an out-of-body experience where everything is trapped in a halo.

Adrian powers inside me over and over again, never slowing down. As he promised, he fucks me so hard, my front slides back and forth on the table, straining my hard nipples on the harsh surface.


