Taming the Lion (The Misfit Cabaret #4) Read Online Aria Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors: Series: The Misfit Cabaret Series by Aria Cole

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 30287 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 151(@200wpm)___ 121(@250wpm)___ 101(@300wpm)

I see the villain across the ring, the one who betrayed me—betrayed all of us. My pulse spikes, anger curling hot and sharp inside me. I trusted them. We all did. And they used the circus, used me, to further their twisted plans. They wanted Zeus. And they nearly took him from me.

The thought of it turns my stomach.

For a second, there’s disbelief. I spent years side by side with this person, shared laughs, trusted them like family. And now… now I see the truth. They manipulated everything. The entire circus. Me.

But the disbelief doesn’t last long. It’s burned away by something stronger. Resolve.

I won’t let them win.

They’ve stopped trying to hide now, standing on the edge of the ring like they belong there. A mask of calm on their face, but I can see the flicker of panic in their eyes, the way they’re watching Zeus. They know it’s over, but they won’t go down without a fight. I take a step forward, feeling Alex move beside me, his presence a steadying force even as the tension between us simmers, unresolved.

But right now, that doesn’t matter. We’ve got bigger things to deal with.

“Stay with me,” I murmur to Zeus, my hand brushing his fur. He’s a mountain of muscle beside me, protective, waiting for my command. He knows something’s wrong—he’s known all along.

I glance at Alex, and our eyes meet. There’s no need for words. We’ve fought side by side enough times now to understand what needs to be done. This isn’t just about strength. It’s about outsmarting the villain, using everything we’ve got at our disposal. And we’ve got the whole damn circus.

I nod once, and Alex gives a sharp, almost imperceptible nod in return.

Time to end this.

I take a deep breath, my gaze locking back on the villain. I know they’ll try to make a run for it, use the chaos of the performance as cover. But I won’t let them slip away. Not after everything.

“Get ready,” I whisper to Alex, and we move as one.

The next few moments blur into motion. The villain’s eyes dart from me to Zeus, calculating. I can see the gears turning in their head, the desperate plans forming. They’re looking for an escape. Too bad I’m not giving them one.

With a subtle signal to the stage crew—people I still trust—I see the performers spring into action. We’ve planned for this, anticipated every possible move. Trapeze artists swing low, distracting the audience and the villain just long enough for us to shift into position. The lights flicker, and the villain hesitates.

That’s all we need.

Alex moves quickly, faster than I’ve ever seen him, positioning himself just behind the villain’s line of sight. Meanwhile, I step into the center of the ring, drawing all the attention. Zeus follows, his massive presence undeniable. The crowd gasps, thinking this is part of the show, their excitement building. They have no idea how real the danger is.

The villain’s eyes narrow, but I can see it now—desperation. They know they’ve lost control. Good.

“Where are you going to run?” I say, my voice steady, louder than I thought it would be. The audience can’t hear me over the roar, but the villain can. “There’s nowhere left to hide.”

For a moment, they falter, eyes flicking to the exits. But we’ve anticipated every move. The performers have blocked every escape route. The animals are safe, secured far from the chaos. It’s just the three of us now—me, Alex, and the villain.

I step closer, Zeus moving beside me, his gaze fixed on the threat. I can feel his power, his instinct to protect, and it mirrors my own. We’ve faced down danger before, but this is different. This is personal.

“Give it up,” Alex says from behind the villain, his voice cold and measured. He’s always been good at staying calm under pressure. “You’re not getting out of here.”

The villain’s gaze shifts between us, frantic now. Their cool exterior cracks, and I see the fear underneath. Good. They should be afraid.

In a final, desperate move, they lunge for the nearest exit, but Alex is there, cutting them off. I step forward again, Zeus roaring, a low, dangerous sound that reverberates through the tent. The villain freezes, their gaze snapping back to me.

“Enough,” I say, my voice low, but firm. I’m done playing games. “This ends now.”

For a moment, there’s silence. The villain’s shoulders slump, their hands falling to their sides in defeat. Alex steps in, his hand on their arm, securing them before they can make another move. It’s over.

As the reality sinks in, the adrenaline slowly ebbs from my system, leaving me standing in the middle of the ring, breathing hard, but steady. The villain is led away, and the truth—about the thefts, the manipulation, everything—is revealed to the rest of the circus.


