Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

It became more challenging when he bound her arms behind her back in a box pattern, wrists to elbows. The position was painful, but not the loud pain of impact play. It was more of a quiet pain—a constant presence that she could analyze and enjoy slowly. Her body sank into the sensations as she let the feelings open and flow through her. She experienced a kind of heightened awareness of each tiny change in how the rope pressed against her flesh and immobilized her limbs.

As Master Beau worked, he kept up a murmuring patter, explaining what he was doing and checking in with her regarding rope tension and comfort level. He added additional support ropes at various places along her body, some of which he tied to the suspension ring.

Eventually, he said, “Now I want you to bend your right leg back so your heel is touching your ass. Don’t worry about falling. The support ropes will hold you in place.”

Lia bent her leg as directed. Working swiftly now, Beau wrapped a rope deftly around her leg, binding it so she was forced to balance on only one leg.

The difficulty and unfamiliarity of the position pulled her a little out of her rope-induced subspace.

“You’re doing beautifully,” Master Beau assured her, pausing a moment in his work to stroke the hair from her face. “You’ve got this.”

Their eyes locked, and Lia felt herself tumbling into the dark, secret forest of his gaze. “Beautiful,” Master Anthony said, startling Lia. She’d actually forgotten they weren’t alone, so focused on her Master and what he was doing. “You truly are a Kinbaku Master. We can learn a lot from you.”

Beau turned from Lia to Master Anthony. “Thank you. But we’re not done yet.” He nodded toward Mark. “Would you assist me with the suspension?”

“You bet.” Mark jumped to his feet and joined them on the mat.

As if they’d practiced it beforehand, the two Masters worked together, adjusting the support ropes and anchor ropes in such a way that Lia was slowly but surely lifted upward from the mat. The feeling of leaving the ground was both surprising and exhilarating.

As the ropes took the weight of her body, she experienced a sensation of weightlessness. As she was lifted higher, the bondage ropes pressed and tugged against her skin, the sensation both intense and uniquely tactile.

Though she couldn’t move a muscle, Lia paradoxically felt even more active than when she was involved in impact play. Every part of her body and mind was fully engaged in the experience of her total bondage.

Slowly but surely, she was turned from upright to horizontal to upside down, all while suspended above the ground. Each change of position made her heart race. The mixture of vulnerability, excitement and the unusual sensations of being suspended upside down felt almost alchemical in nature—transmuting all the discord in her life into a harmony born of complete surrender. She was vaguely aware of murmured conversation but was unable to focus on the words, too caught up in her own physical and emotional sensations. Master Beau turned her body gently until she was able to see herself in the mirror.

She gasped as she took it all in. He had used a rainbow of colorful rope, creating a breathtaking visual spectacle of texture and color against the backdrop of her bare skin.

She felt at once exhilarated and serene as she surrendered fully to the sensation of being embraced so securely in Master Beau’s ropes. She lost track of time as she swayed there, her eyes closing as she drifted in a place of utter peace and tranquility. If she could have stayed just that way forever, she would have done so.

Eventually, however, she felt her equilibrium shift, pulling her from her trance. The ropes holding her aloft were slowly lowered until she was lying on her side on the mat.

Master Beau worked quickly, plucking free the intricate knots he’d so lovingly created until she lay naked. When he gathered her into his arms, the sudden burst of applause around them startled Lia from her erotic lethargy.

Beau was looking down at her, a smile hovering on his lips. She had thought his eyes were green, but now she realized they were more than that. All the colors of a forest were there—flecks of umber, bronze and gold.

“You did good, Lia. I’m very proud of you.”

Words she hadn’t anticipated and which had no place in this scene—however amazing and intense it had been—rose suddenly in her throat.

I love you, Master Beau.

Praise to all the gods in the heavens, she came to her senses before they tumbled out.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said aloud.

Chapter 21

“Bravo,” Lawrence said after the girls had spirited Lia away for some aftercare in the slave quarters. “You actually did it. You managed to awaken the inner submissive hidden beneath all that posturing tough girl bullshit she put us through.”


