Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“Good girl. Would you like to pull down your pants right now and come for me, dirty girl?”

“Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Yes, please, Sir.”

He smiled to himself. Such a perfect little slut.

He pulled to a stop at a red light and turned to her. “I think not. Not yet. Maybe later today if you continue to behave well.”

A mutinous look washed over her face, but she wisely said nothing. As difficult as The Enclave trainers had warned him she could be, she was definitely trainable.

Beau noticed as he wove his way through the traffic that she was nibbling on a fingernail.

“Stop that,” he said, reaching over to pull her hand from her mouth. “It’s a bad habit.”

Flushing, she curled both hands into fists and shoved them under her thighs. “I know,” she muttered.

They continued the drive in silence as Beau headed up the mountain. Once through the gates, he entered the large circular driveway that fronted the mansion and put on the brakes. The sky had grown overcast while they drove up the mountain, the temperature dropping as they ascended. The thermometer on his dash claimed it was still sixty-eight degrees, but it would probably feel chillier than that for Lia as she knelt naked on the stone stoop waiting for her Master.

Not her Master, he corrected himself. Her trainer.

Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out her rope collar. “Unbuckle your seatbelt and face me.”

As he tied the collar back into place, she sighed. Was that a sigh of irritation, relief or satisfaction? He couldn’t quite tell.

When he was done, he said, “I’m going to park the car. You will wait for me at the front door, naked and on your knees, clothes folded neatly beside you.”

Lia’s eyes widened, her collar bobbing as she swallowed. “Yes, Sir,” she said in that deliciously husky voice.

He left her standing in the drive and made his way to the parking area. Grabbing Lia’s overnight duffel and his own bags, he entered The Enclave through the back door. It opened onto a mudroom that contained hung jackets and coats, boots of varying sizes and types neatly arranged below them.

As he came into the front hall, Lawrence emerged from the dungeon. Beau could hear the sound of whips cracking and breathy cries from inside. The trainee Juliette crawled on her hands and knees behind Lawrence, her short, dark hair hanging around her face like a curtain.

Lawrence held a leash that had been secured to Juliette’s collar. “Hi, there,” he said when he noticed Beau. Glancing around, he asked, “Where’s your trainee? Don’t tell me she bolted again. Not that it would surprise me.” His lip curled slightly in anticipatory disapproval.

“No, nothing like that,” Beau said, feeling protective of his trainee. “She’s waiting at the front door on her knees.”

Lawrence grunted his approval. He glanced down at the naked girl waiting beside him, eyes downcast, cheeks flushed. “This worthless slave disobeyed me,” he said, giving her leash a sharp tug. “A stint in the punishment cage will give her some time to think about her transgressions.”

As Lawrence pulled the hapless girl along behind him, Beau thoughtfully watched them go. What would it be like to work as a full-time trainer here? To put these trainees through their rigorous paces, using them in whatever way amused or titillated, graduating them after a few weeks or a month, and then sending them along to whatever adventure next awaited them?

The idea held some appeal in the abstract. All the intensity of a D/s relationship without the strings or complications. Several of the resident Doms still had careers outside the compound, and they made it work. Perhaps he could find the perfect submissive in the process as Mark had—a loving partner who embraced the lifestyle with every fiber of her being.

Even as these thoughts flitted through his brain, he dismissed them. The idea of working with an ongoing stream of temporary trainees wasn’t for him—not for the long term. He’d only agreed to train Lia because… Why had he agreed? Because of their intense connection that first night? Because Anthony was too compelling to refuse? Because of the challenge that he might succeed where others had failed? Because the gig was finite by definition?

All of the above.

Enough ruminating. Beau set the bags by the stairs and strode toward the double front doors.

As he pulled one open, he was greeted with the lovely sight of Lia kneeling up, back straight, hands behind her head, her slender torso still bound in his ropes. He couldn’t help but feel a trainer’s pride at how well she seemed to be progressing after just a few days in his care. Yes, she was still irreverent at times, even downright disobedient. But she seemed to be making a genuine effort.

Had Anthony been right? Was it really as simple as changing the approach—giving her one-on-one attention versus multiple trainers in a more institutionalized setting? Or was there more at play here?


