Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

She made her way past students seated at the study tables, piles of books stacked in front of them. She felt keenly aware both of her status as a librarian and of the ropes rubbing between her legs and cradling her breasts.

Her card granted her further access into the hallowed rooms of the special archives, which contained rare manuscripts, delicate parchments and historically significant documents. Several librarians were at work in front of computer terminals or seated at tables, bent over their work.

An older woman she recognized from the interview process as the head research librarian lifted her head as Lia entered. Carol—that was her name. She smiled in evident recognition over the rim of her reading glasses. “Lia, hello.” She furrowed her brow. “Wait. Aren’t you starting next Monday?”

Several heads lifted to look Lia over, a few offering nods or words of greeting. Lia smiled back, flushing a little under their scrutiny.

“Yes. Next Monday. I just came in to wander around for a while—get my bearings.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Carol said approvingly. “No better way to get familiar with the stacks than to restock the shelves. As I’m sure you know, we use the Library of Congress classification system.” She nodded toward a rolling cart piled high with books and documents. “You can start with these.”

Lia spent the next hour happily reshelving books and rare manuscripts, trying not to be overly distracted by the linen rope stroking her clit with every step. When she was done, she wandered through the stacks, further familiarizing herself with the library’s offerings.

She was just getting a drink of water at the fountain by the restrooms when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out, half expecting it to be Loretta, relieved to see it was Beau.

Are you at a stopping point?

Yes, Sir.

Lia experienced that same edgy, dangerous thrill she’d used to get when Master Pain would text out of the blue, no matter the time of day or night, with some increasingly audacious command. Like Pavlov’s dog, just hearing the ding of his text could make her cunt wet and her breath catch in her throat.

But Master Pain hadn’t been real.

Beau Jackson most definitely was.

Good. I should be there in fifteen minutes or so. Before you leave the building, you will go into the women’s bathroom, enter a stall and lower your pants. You may use the toilet as needed, being careful to pull the rope aside to keep it clean. Then you will rub yourself until you are about to come. But you will stop before that happens. You will pull up your pants, wash your hands, leave the bathroom and exit the library. Is that clear?

Lia’s heart quickened as she read his words, her breath catching in her throat.

Yes, Sir.

She took a moment to gather herself before returning to the archives to say goodbye to Carol and the others. Then she returned to the restrooms. Two of the stalls in the women’s room were occupied, a third person at the mirror applying lipstick.

Lia entered an empty stall and locked the door. She lowered her trousers and pulled the rope aside as best as she could. It was awkward but she managed to avoid getting any pee on the rope. When she was done, she wiped herself and flushed.

There was no lid, so she scooted forward on the rim of the toilet and spread her knees wider. In spite of being alone in a toilet stall, she could almost feel Master Beau’s gaze upon her. She wet her fingers with saliva and put her hand between her legs.

Her clit ached from the constant erection of the past hour and change. It would take very little to make herself come. No. Not come. No more cheating. She was all in or she wasn’t.

She pressed her lips together to keep from making any noise. The rope between her legs heightened the experience, rubbing her sex like another set of fingers. After less than a minute, she was breathing hard through her nostrils, her heart hammering. A few more strokes and then sweet release…


Yanking her hand away, she rose and pulled up her pants. Exiting the stall, she made her way to the sinks. She looked at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkling with her secret.

She moved slowly through the library, the rope still teasing her throbbing clit. As she stepped outside, she saw Beau’s black Audi gliding toward her.

Chapter 19

“Did you play with yourself in the bathroom, Lia?” Beau asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye as he drove.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied huskily.

“Did you come?”

“No, Sir.”

Was she lying? It was possible. But he didn’t think so. Something in the set of her jaw and the slight lift of her chin told him she was telling the truth.


