Taking Control (Holidays With The Boss #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Holidays With The Boss Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32796 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 109(@300wpm)

I have my car in park, the engine turned off, and one foot out when I hear my mom say, “Oh shit, I had a feeling something big was going on in your life. Let’s get you inside and cleaned up before your father makes his rounds.” Have I mentioned that my mother is the absolute best? Seriously, no questions asked, no poking or prodding. The attempt to pull myself together before she gets any closer is absolutely pointless.

“Thanks, Mom,” I reply in a wobbly voice as she reaches my side, taking my free hand in hers and holding it. My head drops to her shoulder. The two of us being about the same height is helping in this situation.

“I’m always here for my girl. You got lucky that your dad is taking a siesta after a full breakfast this morning. He’d be hell bent on cracking skulls and breaking legs.” Her comment causes me to chuckle, thankful for the reprieve from tears. I hand her the keys once we make it up the stairs, closing my eyes for a moment of reprieve.

“That sounds like something Dad would do. I’m going to hop in the shower. You can come in, and I’ll tell you everything. Give me two minutes?” All throughout my childhood and through my teenage years, I’d either barge in on my mom taking a shower to talk to her, or if I needed her, I’d holler through the house until she appeared, sitting on the closed toilet seat. And if it was me coming to pester her, I’d take over doing my nightly routine until done, then I’d plant my ass on the floor back against the bathroom vanity and vent away.

“You do that. I’ll go pour us both a glass of wine. Men might be incredible in some ways, but damn if they aren’t trouble, too.” She squeezes my side then veers towards the kitchen as I walk to the bathroom. I turn the light on but ignore the mirror. No way is that a good idea. I head straight to the shower and turn it on as hot as I can get it, then leave to let it warm up while I strip out of my clothes. The dress is thrown to the side, shoes are stepped out of, my coat slides down my body, dropping to the floor. All I’m left with is King’s shirt. I’m a glutton for punishment lifting the lapel up to my nose, inhaling his intoxicating scent one last time before taking it off. I’d be lying if it didn’t sucker-punch me; the only comforting thought and feeling I have is the necklace clasped around my neck. That has to mean something, right? Even if I haven’t heard from King for far too long.

“You can come in now,” I tell my mom once I step into the shower, immediately dipping my head under the hot water.

“Here ya go.” Mom hands me the glass through the shower curtain. “I’m ready when you are.” I take a few healthy sips, well, more like gulps, and tell my mom the whole story, from the very beginning. I leave out the part about making myself orgasm while he watches, making it PG-rated, and explain the kiss as well as the hug. Then I tell my mom about how I came back, that we both couldn’t deny our feelings towards one another, how keeping it a secret was easy seeing as I have the most epic mom around and a pretty laid back dad, finishing out with today, admitting that I’m in love with the man even through the tears and shower, which I know she could hear throughout my conversation.

“Well, I did warn you men can be trouble. I can’t say that I’m surprised you went for an older man. Pot meet kettle and all that. There’s not much I can say to ease your pain. Sadly, this is a sit and wait game. Finish washing your hair and face, then we’ll hang out and watch movies around the pool if you don’t want to be by yourself.” I finish my glass of wine, realizing once again how amazing my mother truly is and how lucky I am to have her.

“You’re right. I’ll be over in a little bit. I’m going to make a sandwich before this wine goes to my head and I stumble into bed instead. I love you, Momma,” the term of endearment slips off my tongue.

“I love you, too, baby girl. I’ll see you at home.” If I weren’t in the shower, I’m pretty sure I’d collapse into my mother’s arms, and I know for a fact she’d welcome it. And who knows? I’ll probably be there before the day is over, too.



Half the day I searched, looking for Mae, going to her old haunts. All of them turned up empty. Calling her phone was pointless since she turned it off. I’ve been gone from Tessa for hours now. I should have turned my ass around and gone back to the office. Yes, my daughter is pissed, rightfully so. Acting like a child, though, when she’s in her twenties? Fucking ridiculous. Instead, I head home after shooting a text to Tessa stating I’m checking one last place before I’ll head back to her. I don’t get a response, not always unheard of, and while I’m silently hoping she’d somehow take a nap, I’m sure she’s pacing the floors instead.


