Taken by the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 76736 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Wild Child starts his bike. The motorcycle rumbles us together in a way that sends undeniable heat down between my legs. I'm pressed right up against him, and when we're home, I'm going show him exactly how grateful I am. Him and the others. We'll just have to make sure that Mom's quartered at the opposite end of the clubhouse. Maybe the compound.

Nerves have me giggling into his back, but I don't think anyone can tell with all the noise around here.

King raises his fist and throws it forward, and as one, all eight bikes roll out and settle into formation. And then we speed up.

Holy shit.

They've taken me on the bikes before, but now I know those were just joy rides. The engines roar as I cling to Wild Child for dear life, and the properties on either side of the street turn into blurs. God, I hope Mom's okay. It would be terrible if I convinced her to flee with us only to get flung off on the way back. If I'm scared, she must be absolutely terrified.

It's not long before the sound of sirens joins the rumble of bikes. I guess it'd be too hopeful to think that we were getting off that easy. Not that it seems to have Wild Child worried. He laughs into the wind like he's having the greatest time of his life.

When the first flashing lights appear behind us, taking us from moonlit night to a full on disco, I whimper into Wild Child's back. If they catch up to us now, we're so screwed. Not only will I be back with Dad, but he's going to show no mercy for the guys. Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have called for them to get me after all.

At the front, King raises a hand and waves right, left and forward. It's obviously a signal they already know, because without a moment's thought, Hawk and Hero veer left, while Viking, Bear and Wild Child veer right. As we dip low in our turn into a crossing street, I catch a brief glimpse of King, Snark and Eagle-eye with Mom on board continuing forwards, and then all they're gone. We've split up into three groups, probably to confuse the cops. I can only pray that it works.

Wild Child takes the lead with Bear and Viking falling into formation behind us. “Hang on!” he yells, like I haven't been clutching to him like the devil himself was on our tail already.

But he's not wrong, either. Instead of trying to outrun them, he switches to dodging, taking turn after turn at breakneck speeds. I'm torn between wanting to shut my eyes so I don't see my inevitable end around a street light or a tree, and needing them wide open so I'm able to anticipate the next lean. My fingers dig into Wild Child's belly like claws so that I won't be thrown. It's like being on the world's most terrifying, gut wrenching, panic inducing roller coaster, and I don't like roller coasters to begin with.

Left, right, left, left… It doesn't take long before I have no idea where we're heading, but I just have to trust Wild Child. Sometimes sirens come closer, but they never see us, and the deeper we get into the city, the more options we have. I'm almost convinced we've made it when we peel out onto a main street and pick up speed for the straightaway, but then two police cars burst out from two streets down.

“Wild Child!” I scream, but he's already noticed.

“Fuck yeah!” he roars, and twists the gas. And here I thought we were already going at max speed.

The bikes roar and we leap forwards, my stomach lurching as it's trying to keep up. Every little bump in the asphalt feels like we're going over a small mountain, and I'm just waiting for when I get flung clean off the bike. I'm not wearing any kind of protection, though at this speed, I don't even know if it would matter. Dead is still dead.

Hopefully, the others have gotten away, at least, and maybe Eagle-eye is already pulling into the compound and letting Mom off to go let the adrenaline wear off. Or show her where to throw up, which is probably what I'm going to do when I get there.

As we dodge and veer, picking up a side street here or taking a sudden fork there, the sirens come closer and fall farther behind. They're not catching up, but no matter what Wild Child does, they're not falling behind either. How long can we keep this up?

Wild Child puts up a hand, making the same signal as King did earlier. We're splitting up again. Almost immediately, we peel off to the side, while Bear continues straight and Viking zooms down in a third direction.


