Taken by My Werewolf Bodyguard Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79692 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 319(@250wpm)___ 266(@300wpm)

“We have heard your side, Prince Raoul. Thank you.” The words left the panther no recourse but to step down and stand opposite Calys.

The older man from the Panthera gestured to Calys. “It is your turn, Princess.”

Alejandro winced at the way Calys briskly walked to the center of the room, her every movement screaming warrior rather than princess. Now was the best time for her to play the role of a vulnerable princess. As a Lyccan, he abhorred dishonesty above all things but if it was what would save his little hellcat from being imprisoned and sentenced as a murderess, he wouldn’t mind at all if Calys had pretended to mourn Pasquale’s death.

But of course, even if he had suggested that, he knew Calys wouldn’t even consider it. Warriors did not lie, after all.

“Your last words about the matter, princess?”

Please say something—-

“I have my alpha’s confidence and trust.”


But he should have known better.

She looked at the Panthera, one by one, her eyes so guileless it made some of them uncomfortable. His princess’ P.R. skills, Alejandro thought with a grimace, definitely had room for improvement. “That is all that I deem necessary.”

Instead, Calys had basically said “screw you” to the Panthera if they chose not to believe in her testimony.

The spokesperson for the Panthera cleared his throat. “Will that be all, Princess Calys?”

She nodded.

“Then this meeting is adjourned. We shall convene once again when the Panthera has reached a decision.” The Panthera stood up in unison, being the first to leave the room by way of seniority. Raoul and his men quickly followed, clearly not wanting to be left alone with Calys and Alejandro.

When they were finally left alone in the room, Alejandro said with a sigh, “You should have learned to use your feminine wiles more.” He looked down at Calys as he spoke and was relieved to find her looking like her ordinary self, which meant she was no longer in danger of having a dark fit.

Her lips curved in a slight smile as she answered simply, “I can’t.”

“Because you’re a warrior.”

Her smile widened. “Because I’m a warrior.”

They looked at each other, and unbidden, they simultaneously remembered the last time they had spoken.

He was inside her bedroom, and he was breaking her heart.

“You made a mistake.”

Calys was shaking her head at him. “I don’t understand.”

“You made a mistake about saying you love me.”

“But I didn’t.” Her voice was tinged with desperation as she told him, “I didn’t, Alejandro. I love you. I know I do. I...I’ve k-known it for a long time.”

“Then I’m sorry. I’m sorry you feel that way.”

And the sound she had made after that – he didn’t think he would ever forget that. Not a single day would he forget the sound, not until the day he died. It was the sound of him completely breaking a warrior’s heart.

“Just like that?” Calys had whispered. “After everything, you’re going to leave me just like that?”

That was three nights ago. But if he had to do it all over again, he knew he wouldn’t have done anything differently. Or maybe he would. His answer would be the same, but maybe he would have tried to make it less hurtful, would have found a way not to have her crying when he told her he didn’t love her.

In front of him, Calys had turned completely white.

Earlier, he would have given everything to have her looking vulnerable like this. But not now, not when he knew it was exactly how she felt and it was all because of him.

Cursing under his breath, he said urgently, “Calys—-”

She shook her head vehemently, her eyes glassy. “You don’t have to say a thing.” She turned away abruptly, as if unable to bear another moment of seeing him.

She was practically marching towards the doorway, but he caught up to her easily. “We need to talk about this,” he muttered fiercely under his breath as he fell into step behind her, conscious of the proper distance he needed to maintain between Cavaliere and Princess.

She shook her head again, running down the stairs three steps at a time. It had Alejandro gritting his teeth and he forced himself to slow down, not wanting her to accidentally trip herself because of her need to get away from him.

“Be careful, dammit.”

Still, she ran.

He came to a stop.

She sensed it and slowed down. But she continued to walk, not looking back, not even when she had reached the front doors of the inn.

His heart clenched at the sight of her leaving him. Was this how Domenico had felt when Misty disappeared on him?

This soul-crushing pain, this bone-gnawing fear of never seeing her again and never getting her back?

He raked a hand through his hair. He had done the right thing, Alejandro told himself. It was better to draw the lines this early before she fell any harder for him. Before he fell any harder for her. It should be enough for both of them that she was his princess, and he her Cavaliere.


