Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“I can’t do this anymore. I’d rather have you as a friend than mess everything up because we can’t control our hormones.”

His eyes narrow, and I know I’ve said the wrong thing.

“If you believe this is a case of hormones, then you’re deluding yourself more than I thought. We’re not teenagers in high school. We’ve known each other too long to write this off as casual.”

“You’re right,” I say with a gulp. “Which is why it’s time for us to stop.” Scooting off the bed, I search for my discarded clothing. I get as far as spotting the puddle of my dress when he pulls me back, his fingers gripping my chin again in that immovable hold of his.

“I owe you a punishment.”

“You can’t be serious. C’mon, Ash. You just said we’re not in high school. I’m not some little girl that needs a spanking.”

“Oh yes, you do need a spanking, but that’s only the beginning.”

“No, this is the end. You taught me how to blow a guy, so it’s time to move on, just like we said we would.”

His fingertips press into my jaw. It’s not painful, but it does drive home a point; Ashton is not someone you say no to.

“You’ve got a punishment coming, but if you still want to call it quits afterward, I can’t stop you.”

I should say no. This thing between us has gone too far. When tears and jealousy start creeping in, that’s never a good sign, and I’d rather preserve our friendship than continue to play with fire, no matter how hard it’ll be to walk away from him.


Now he does let me go, seemingly mollified by the concession in my tone. “I’ll text you.”

“That’s all you’re gonna tell me?”

“Yep. Your curiosity will keep you from backing out. Am I right?”

He is absolutely right, but I’m not about to admit it.

Chapter Twenty


I’ve managed to avoid Ashton all weekend. But now Monday has arrived, and with it comes the inevitable; I can’t avoid my father and Jake forever. I’m standing in my father’s office, my sweaty hands clasped behind my back, feeling like I’m fifteen again.

“You are not to see Ashton anymore. Do you understand me?”

“You can’t tell me how to live my life. I’m an adult.” I’ve been an adult for nearly five years now. Maybe Ash is right. When am I going to grow a backbone and stand up to the indomitable Joseph Sawyer? Problem is I stood up to him the day I announced I wasn’t continuing my education in law school, and I’m not sure I’ll survive another confrontation like that.

But marrying Jake isn’t an option either, and neither is giving up Ashton’s friendship.

“Legally, you’re an adult,” my dad says, running a hand through his hair, “but your judgement suggests otherwise. I’m only trying to protect you, Sadie. I don’t want you around that Levine kid anymore.”

“What do you have against him?”

“Where do I begin?” He rises from behind his monstrous desk and takes a casual stroll around his office, ticking off the reasons on his fingers. “He spent the majority of high school in detention, was arrested for possession, had an absent father, not to mention he’s a college dropout.” He stops in front of his giant bookcase full of law books, his mouth a severe, disapproving line.

“Well, you’ve obviously done your homework.”

I don’t tell him how Ash was arrested his sophomore year because he took the fall for Bryce’s pot. Bryce already had a troubled past, and one more charge would have sent him away for a while. Instead, Ashton took community service and probation and helped his friend clean up his act.

I also don’t point out that the absence of Ashton’s father wasn’t his fault, but it did cause him to act out in high school. As for dropping out of college…I’m kind of wishing I’d done the same at the moment. Or at the very least, I wish I’d explored what I wanted in college instead of following someone else’s plan for me.

“I’m not heartless, Sadie. I see how Ashton has turned his life around for the better. That still doesn’t mean he’s good enough for you.”

And that’s when I realize he isn’t going to back down, no matter what I say. “If you can’t understand that Jake and I aren’t happening, then I might as well clear my shit out of here now.”

He clenches his jaw, and I fear that look on his face—all hard lines, unforgiving angles, and a turbulence in his gaze that is all too familiar. “You know how I feel about such language.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, more out of habit than an actual sense of remorse.

“I did not fight tooth and nail to get you to where you are today just to watch you throw it away on some punk. He’s not good enough for you, sweetheart. You need a man with ambition.”


