Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“She broke up with you,” I point out.

“That was a misunderstanding. We’re working through it.” He pauses a beat. “I want to make myself clear. You’re just a friend. I’m the man her father approves of.”

I can’t fucking help it. A grin twitches at the corners of my mouth. “Let me make myself clear. You’re just the asshole who cheated on her. I’m the guy she comes to for mind-blowing orgasms.” I stuff my hands into my pockets and finger her panties. “She’s quite insatiable, if I do say so myself.” I imitate his smug expression and give a mental fist-pump when the superiority melts from his face. “Nice catching up with you, Jack,” I say, purposefully using the wrong name. “I should probably mingle.” I turn on my heel before he can reply.

If I were wearing a tie, I’d have it removed by now. This place is suffocating enough all on its own. Caterers move around, preparing for the elaborate meal in the dining room, and this portion of the evening must be happy hour, Joseph Sawyer style, since guests are situated in small groups, nursing cocktails and beers as they talk about their importance in the grand scheme of things.

Jesus. I want out of here.

And I want to drill Sadie about every aspect of her relationship with that asshole. How far did she go with him? Suddenly, I want to know every detail. The thought of him touching her paints my vision with nothing but red.

I’m jealous as hell, and that doesn’t happen often.

A waiter passes by, and I grab a drink off the tray, unmindful of what it is I’m about to guzzle like a lifeline. But damn, a guy needs a drink to get through something like this. I settle against the wall in one corner of the room and down half the bubbly.

Definitely not my usual poison, but it’ll do.

Jake has reinserted himself into the crowd as the center of attention. But he’s not immune to me any more than I’m immune to him. Between sips of his drink, and gruff laughter interspersed with serious discussions of God-knows-what, he keeps shooting me death glares from across the room.

The hard lines on his pretty-boy face say it all.

I’m about as welcome here as the underbelly of this city.

A few minutes pass before Sadie returns on the heels of her father, and as she follows him like a sheep across the room to fucking “JJ,” I don’t miss the apologetic look she aims in my direction.

She didn’t stand up to her father.

I don’t have to ask to know it’s true. The guilt is written all over her beautiful face, her porcelain skin marred by self-disappointment.

Her father picks up a flute of champagne from a passing tray. “Attention, everyone!”

The room falls silent, and in that moment, I understand Sadie a little better because Joe Sawyer’s commanding presence is unshakable.

“I’d like to congratulate JJ on all the hard work he’s put in at Sawyer and Bennett these past five years. He’s the youngest to make junior partner in the firm’s history, and we’re all proud of him. To JJ,” he says, raising his glass, and everyone else follows suit, their voices a collective echo of Joseph Sawyer’s toast.

“Thank you, Joe. It’s an honor to have learned from the best.” The suck-up sidles up to Sadie and wraps an arm around her shoulders. “I have an announcement of my own to make. As most of you know, Sadie and I have been dating for the past couple of months, and though this might seem hasty, Joe has given me permission to ask for this extraordinary woman’s hand in marriage.”

People’s lips move. Glasses clink together. I hear none of it, and I suspect Sadie doesn’t either. She’s too busy staring right at me with that look I hate so much, her body rigid at Jake’s side.

There my girl is again, caught in the headlights.

Unable to stomach any more of this twisted game of elitist charades, I set my half-empty drink down and exit the room.

Because if I stay in there for another second, I’m going to lose my shit.

Chapter Seventeen


Jake’s announcement winds around my throat like a boa constrictor. I sneak a glance at my father and feel like throwing up because he looks too damn thrilled.

More like ecstatic.

But what slices me to the soul is Ash. I watch, frozen in this twilight zone of a reality, as he leaves the room with a look of disgust and anger tainting his handsome face.

I want to call out to him. I want to tell my father and Jake they can shove this absurd marriage idea up where the sun don’t shine. I want to do something.

I need to do something.

Instead, I do nothing.

My heart is beating too fast, threatening a panic attack. Voices swirl around me. More congratulations, followed by intrusive questions.


