Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

Her gorgeous green eyes widen at the challenge in my tone. “Not always.”

Another step forward. Four more inches of space eaten up by my invading body. I’m going to invade the fuck out of the bubble she hides inside. “Prove it. Tell me no.”

She cocks her head, her perfectly arched brows narrowing in confusion. “No to what?”

“To kissing you.” I close the last few inches of space between us and slide my hands along her cheeks. “I’m going to kiss you, Sadie, then I’m going to push you to your knees and make you do very, very dirty things to my cock.”

Her pupils dilate. She swallows hard, struggling to speak the word I’m challenging her to say. “No” is on the tip of her tongue, but the way her chest rises and falls gives her true feelings away, not to mention the blatant want and need blazing in the depths of her eyes.

She wants me, and that gives me hope.

This no kissing, no-getting-too-intimate bullshit has to end. Putting rules up as a barrier won’t save either of us from what we want, and it’s as clear as her flawless, kissable skin that we want each other.

“I want to kiss you, Sadie.”


My grin is a bit incredulous. “Have you really not figured it out yet?”

“Enlighten me.”

“I’m fucking crazy about you.”

Damn, there’s that look again. She’s the beautiful doe caught in the blinding path of my light. I brush my thumb across her lips, and my heartbeat accelerates. My jeans tighten to the point of pain.

“Let me kiss you,” I whisper.

She won’t say no. Her entire life revolves around pleasing others, and I’m just enough of a bastard—just that pathetic and desperate—that I’ll take advantage of it. I’ll exploit the fuck out of it.

She blinks several times. “Okay.”

I settle my hands on her shoulders and dip my head, hesitating as her warm breath drifts across my mouth.

And I know if I taste her lips, it won’t be enough. I’ll want her underneath me, her skin covered in sweat, her nails digging into my shoulders. My cock finding heaven between her legs.

“What if I want more than a kiss?”

Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

Rejection has never hurt so much. Not because she won’t let me into her bed, but it’s the tone behind it. I’m not good enough to be her first. Not worthy enough.

Instead of kissing her, I graze a path to her ear. “Then I guess I’ll have to settle for your sweet mouth wrapped around my cock. If I can’t fuck you, at least I can shoot my load down your throat.” My tone is harsh, cruel even. I’m frustrated and taking it out on Sadie, and some small part of me kicks myself for being such an ass, but she’s getting under my skin like no other woman ever has.

It’s driving me fucking insane.

Her shoulders become rigid underneath my hands. “Let me go,” she says, her voice mangled by hurt.

“Unlike you, I have no problem saying no.” I back her into the nearest wall and cage her petite body between my arms, refusing to let her escape. “After you swallow every drop I give you, I’m gonna watch you play with yourself, but this time…” I trail off, meeting the challenge in her fierce gaze. “This time I won’t let you come. In fact, I’ll make you edge until you finally learn how to put yourself first for a change.”

Shoving against my chest, she gains a few inches of ground and glares at me. “No,” she says, and that single word comes out with such conviction, I’m both frustrated and proud of her.

“What exactly are you saying no to?”

“All of it. We agreed to keep this…” She halts, her cute little nose wrinkling the way it always does when she’s searching for the right word. “Whatever this is, we agreed to…to…”

“Spit it out, Sawyer.” I know what she’s getting at, but damn, I can’t help but goad her when her face flushes like that.

“Things weren’t supposed to get so complicated.”

“Life’s complicated. Especially when you’re twenty-two and still allowing your parents to dictate your life.” The asshole in me rises, demanding to take over. Demanding that I demand things from her. I shoot a hand out and curl my fingers around her tiny wrist. “I should punish you for that alone.”

“Let me go.”

“Who’s calling the shots here, Sadie?” With a gentle tug, I pull her to the couch and make her drape over the arm.

“You seem to think you are,” she bites out.

Gathering her wrists in one hand, I hold them at the small of her back as I shove her sweatpants down her thighs.

“Are you challenging my authority?” I’m crossing a line here, but I can’t stop myself.

If she were mine, this is exactly what I’d do, so I guess I’m staking my claim.


