Survivor – Alien Enemies to Lovers Romance Read Online Loki Renard

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 44088 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 220(@200wpm)___ 176(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

Siryn has a small outpost built under a dome. It is built out of old-fashioned materials, a lot of wood and rope, though I know from experience that the internal construction will be solid and modern. Siryn has a certain aesthetic she likes to keep up. She likes to appear rustic and simple, but the truth is she is an extremely sophisticated creature.

We are pulled into dock alongside her ships. Her fleet does not have coherence of appearance, because a pirate must be able to hide themselves no matter what.

“I don’t think I should hold Nemo,” I say as Kail and I prepare to leave the ship. “And I won’t leave him here.”

“I’ll hold him,” Kail says, without hesitation.

I am glad to hear that, both because it further indicates the erosion of his reluctance to take on a fatherly role, but because it means his hands will be full of baby and he will not be inclined to resort to violence.

Captain Siryn is waiting for us on the dock. I make eye contact with her as we come down the gangplank of our ship, letting my features assume what I hope to all gods looks like a submissive smile. She will see through it, but I hope she’ll appreciate the effort.

“You have some nerve coming back here, Colonial.” Her tone is icy and stern as she looks down her muzzle at me.

The lady Siryn is a tall Peltbar with flowing golden hair. The closest human familiar animal I can name is the coat of an Afghan hound. She is quite beautiful and highly intimidating, with sharp brown eyes and a muzzle full of sharp teeth. She stands well over six feet tall, slightly taller than Kail in her heels. She is wearing a long beige coat with dark trim, and a matching hat. Pirate, but make it fashion.

Siryn regards us with an inscrutable expression, her eyes glancing over Nemo, brows rising as she sees his smiling face. He is attempting to reach for some of the dismembered ears attached to the necklace of a nearby pirate guard. Thankfully, his arms are still short and Kail is careful to keep him from taking hold.

“It is good to see you, Siryn,” I reply. I haven’t been entirely forthcoming with Kail as to how I left here and why I was allowed to leave alive. Siryn isn’t known for mercy, especially not to Colony operatives.

“Is it?” One brow remains raised at me. I feel a bubbling of nervousness. It is very possible she has changed her mind since I last saw her. All fondness for me could easily have evaporated. If that is the case, I have led my family to their doom.

“I am no longer affiliated with the Colony.”

“You said that last time.”

“Yes, but this time it is true.”

She takes me by the chin and looks deep into my eyes. “I never could do to you what you deserved to have done to you. Explain the savage and the prince.”

“Prince?” My voice squeaks in surprise.

“Without lying to me.” She drops my chin and stands back, her eyes roaming over Kail and Nemo. They interest her greatly.

“This is Kail, my mate, and Nemo, my son,” I say. “I have brought them to your territory for safekeeping. I have become an enemy of the Colony, as has Kail. We throw ourselves on your mercy.”

Her expression becomes cynical as she moves her eyes back to me. “You left here and you returned to work for the Colony, and now you have this male, you have forsaken it, finally? Do I understand that correctly?”

“It’s complicated, but yes, that is the essence of it. I was sent to bring Kail to justice…”

“Just as you were once sent to bring me to justice.”


“And you seduced him, as is your habit.”

“Well… seduced is… we…”

“Habit?” Kail rumbles the question.

“Oh, she did not tell you?” Siryn smiles too brightly at Kail. “This little human was my lover.”

“One of your lovers,” I remind her. “Not a girlfriend. I just… We just…”

I am blushing and feeling very guilty. I probably should have told Kail about that aspect of things, but I really thought that would be a distraction. He might have refused to come, and my reason for being here is truly that Siryn rules the most stable lawless society I am aware of. I could not bring her down, no matter how many of her affections I garnered. She can keep Nemo safe.

“I almost kept her for myself, you know,” Siryn says conversationally to Kail. “But she was too wily, and too loyal to the Colony. I cannot imagine the kind of love that would break her of that sick attachment.”

She is paying him a compliment and throwing me under the space bus at the same time. I feel my cheeks absolutely flaming with embarrassment. Kail is going to want to talk about this. He’s going to have a lot of questions.


