Suck This Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62580 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)


I casually leaned against the wall, then crossed my arms over my chest and waited patiently for him to get himself together enough to be able to speak in coherent sentences.

“The girl’s body is missing, too.”


“The one that was killed with Chen?” I asked, knowing that was her before he even offered me confirmation.

I had someone in this city that was killing my people, and I knew that what happened to Chen wasn’t the end of it.

Likely he’d gone into that morgue to try to get Chen, but I’d beaten him to the punch, so he’d gotten the girl that had been with Chen instead.

Little did the man that killed Chen and the girl know that the woman had no relationship with me or mine at all. I’d found her on the side of the road, drank from her, and then instructed Chen to take her home.

Apparently since the girl was with Chen, he thought that she was worth more to me than what she was.

Which had a sudden, disastrous thought occurring to me.

“Your sister.”

Corbin’s head tilted.

“What about her?” he asked shortly.

“Anyone watching her?”

Corbin stiffened and leaned forward, letting his ankle fall from his knee. “No. Should I?”

I nodded. “Chen was mine. And earlier that night, I had fed from that girl. Chen had been instructed to feed the woman, take her to her car, and take her home. Wherever she wished to go; whatever she wished to do. She ate at one of my restaurants.”

Corbin nodded. “I know. I also know that your alibi is airtight. You never left your office after entering. I thank you for allowing my officers into your office to check it out.”

“Of course,” I said congenially. “But what I’m getting at is this: your sister has shown interest in me. My enemies will have figured that out.”

Corbin’s jaw worked.


“We already have our own men on her, boss,” Pavlov said from the doorway.

Relief poured through me.

Why had I not thought of that earlier?

Fuck, I was getting soft.

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Corbin interrupted. “I can handle it.”

“Like your men handled my assistant’s body?” I challenged.

Corbin’s eyes started to spit fire.


“It’s okay. You can put your boys on her, too. Yours won’t even know mine are there.”

Corbin growled low in his throat. “How did I lose control of this conversation?”

I smiled.

“You have to have control in the first place to lose it.”

With that, I got up and walked back into my office. I even managed to get half a day’s amount of work done before I lost the battle and headed in the direction of the woman I couldn’t stop thinking about.


Was it pervy to watch the woman that you have an unhealthy attachment to sleeping?

-Asking for a friend


She was sleeping on her belly in her bed.

It was four in the morning, and I was about ninety-five percent certain that I should turn around and go.

But I wasn’t going to.

Not this time.

Instead of walking out the door, I stripped off my shirt.

Instead of heading for my bed, I headed for hers.

Instead of taking off my pants and tossing them into a hamper for someone to wash for me later, I was taking off my pants at the end of Acadia’s smaller than sin bed.

My underwear soon joined my pants, followed shortly by my socks—the last thing I had on my body that would keep my skin from touching hers.

The same couldn’t be said about Acadia.

She was wearing a pair of underwear, an oversized Tennessee Titans shirt, and a pair of slouchy socks that hung so low around her ankles that they would likely be off by the morning if I didn’t get to them first.

Which I did.

The socks went, followed shortly by the shirt.

She stayed asleep through it all.

Even when I slowly let my hands move up the outside of her thighs, coming to a stop at the waistband of her underwear that rode low on her hips.

“Jesus Christ,” I whispered against the swell of her ass, inhaling deeply at the sweet aroma that permeated the air around us.

She may not be awake, but her body knew I was here.

And when I dragged her flimsy excuse for a pair of panties down her muscular legs, I was overwhelmed at the sheer desire that tore through me at getting my first good look at her body completely naked.

She was exquisite.

Even without the added help of light, I could see the sleek shine of her skin.

She’d put on lotion before she’d gone to bed. A winter pear that smelled so sweet that I wanted to lick her all over.

I hadn’t gotten the chance to taste a pear in years, but I was convinced that if I licked my tongue up the line of her spine, those pleasant memories of so long ago would come roaring back to life.


