Stranger On A Bus Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 21
Estimated words: 19525 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 98(@200wpm)___ 78(@250wpm)___ 65(@300wpm)


“Come and get me,” I roar with laughter. I know how much Mari hates cold water from an unfortunate shower incident when she stepped under the water before it was properly warmed up and then leapt out again like a cat that had just slipped and fallen into the back yard pool.

Mari frowns, crosses her arms over her chest defiantly, and backs up onto the beach.

“Okay, mister. Playing dirty, are we?”

Smirking, I advance on her. “With you, I always play dirty.”

With a swift motion, I sweep her into my arms and lift her lips to mine for a deep, passionate kiss.

I never thought I’d be able to let my guard down like this around a woman, but here I am, practically dancing on the beach with one, having the time of my life.

She told me about her parents, how she has no one else in the world but me, and all that did was make me want to protect her ever more.

“You’ll never have to worry about anything again,” I told her as I wiped the tears from her eyes. And I meant it. If I had to give up my entire business this instant to ensure Mari’s safety, I would do it in the blink of an eye.

I carry her in my arms up to the picnic table where I’ve had Mike prepare a lunch for us. We eat together and look out at the waves breaking on the beach, enjoying the view that will soon be exclusive only to those who own property here.

“What will I do now?” Mari asks when we’re finished and sipping our lemonade.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…what will I do?” She smiles, but I see confusion in her eyes. “My whole life has been nothing but survival. All I’ve known is work. Now I don’t have to do that. What will I do, Cane?”

Leaning forward, I place a hand on her thigh and squeeze. “Well, you could always be my maid.”

Mari laughs. “Oh, right!”

“No, really. I’ll fire all my other staff right now! You’ll be so busy with the house you’ll barely have any time for me—”

“I’m serious, Cane.” And I can see she is. Her eyes plead with me, and I hear a hint of desperation in her voice. “I-I don’t know how to do anything else, Daddy…”

If only I had a time machine.

If only I could somehow go back and fix the rest of my angel’s life for her. I would do it in a second. But I can’t. All I can do is make sure the rest of her life is nothing like what she’s gone through up until now.

“Well, you’re just going to have to learn.” I smile, gently tickling her side. This draws a small smile from her lips as I continue. “You’re going to have to learn to love being spoiled by me, to love taking glamorous vacations by my side, to love being there to take care of me when I’ve had a hard day at the office, and most of all…”

Mari’s eyes widen. “Yes, Daddy?”

“You’re going to have to learn how to be a mother. Because soon, I’m going to get you pregnant, angel.”

“Soon?” she asks, her voice barely a whisper.

“Soon.” I nod.

I lean in to kiss my love, but just as our lips meet, my work phone buzzes on the table beside me. We sigh in unison.

“I thought you told them you were busy?” Mari asks.

“I did. This must be an emergency at one of the sites,” I reply, quickly checking to see a 911 text from Paul, one of my foremen. “Yeah, I have to take this. Give me a second, angel. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t go too far,” she says with a smile that lights up my soul.

“Don’t you either.” I walk up the incline to the parking lot and call Paul back. He answers on the first ring.

“Hey, boss. We got a bit of a problem here at the site.”

“What is it?”

“Some guy here making trouble,” Paul growls. He sounds pissed, and it takes a lot for Paul to get upset. “Runnin’ around talkin’ all kinds of shit, kickin’ over equipment. Says he’s your old buddy from college and that you owe him fifty grand, and if you don’t come pay him now, he’s going to blast you all over the Internet.”

“Buddy from college? He say what his name is?”

“He won’t say,” Paul replies. “But he don’t look like a nut job, boss. He’s dressed real nice. Pulled up in a Benz. I was gonna call the cops on him, but—”

“Put him on the phone.”

“You got it. One second.” I hear Paul’s muffled shouts and then the sound of the phone being passed.

“Yo, Cane! My old pal!” An unfamiliar voice on the other end. Whoever this man is, I definitely don’t know him, and he definitely doesn’t know me.


