Storm Damage Read Online C.P. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 101501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 508(@200wpm)___ 406(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)


Max the wonder Dog

AFTER GIVING SKYLAR time to compose herself, Logan slipped inside her bedroom and his heart ached at what he saw. She was lying on her back clutching a framed photo of her mother, tears still evident on her cheeks. She’d fallen asleep, but the crease between her brows told him it wasn’t peaceful.

He knew she would be upset by the news Chance might be a killer, but he’d underestimated her reaction. It was clear that even though her half brother wasn’t in their lives, she still considered him family. Not growing up with one of his own, Logan was a stranger to the complexities that existed within a family unit. He’d wrongly assumed that Chance being indifferent to his siblings meant they felt the same toward him, but he’d been wrong. Her brothers seemed to be holding up better than Skylar, but he’d detected a mood at the table between the two that felt a lot like loss.

He’d heard more than once that being family meant having your back, but other than his brothers in arms, he’d never seen it up close. There may have been animosity between them, but it was clear Chance was still a part of theirs in the deep recesses of their hearts. And Logan had just stuck a knife in that heart, bleeding all three of them. Coop had been the philosopher and poet in his unit. If he’d still been alive, Logan would have called him for advice on how to proceed before dropping this particular bomb on the James siblings.

His breath caught on that thought. If Coop had still been alive, so would Buster and Loverboy. And Logan wouldn’t be in Ennis, Montana, falling in love with Skylar. He’d still be running ops for his government. Protecting officials or rescuing prisoners on the order of the President.

A different kind of pain clutched at his chest. He couldn’t turn back the hands of time, but for the first time since their deaths, Logan wasn’t sure he would if it meant having to walk away from what he’d found in Montana. The realization Skylar had become more important to him than the men who had always had his back was staggering.

Logan expelled a breath then drew in more air until the tightness in his chest receded. Skylar had stirred restlessly while he regained his composure, so he stripped the clothes from his body and crawled into the bed beside her, pulling the picture from her hands and drawing her tightly into his body. Her arm automatically draped across his stomach in response as she snuggled her head into the crook of his neck and fell back asleep. Without even knowing what she was doing, she soothed his tattered soul. Gave him what he’d wanted most in life: acceptance and love. Fourteen years in foster care and ten years in the military, but in less than a week she’d erased most of the pain he’d felt in his twenty-eight years. If Skylar wasn’t the absolute definition of receiving a miracle, he didn’t know what was.

Logan brushed a kiss softly across her forehead as her breathing evened out, whispering, “Thank you,” into the night. He’d caused her pain, but she’d still offered him her love without hesitation. And in return, he’d make sure no harm ever came to Skylar and her brothers again.


A dull ache throbbed behind my eyes when I finally opened them. It took a moment to remember what day it was, then I sat straight up and looked at my watch. It was after seven in the morning on Monday. I’d overslept and now my brothers were late for school. I rolled to climb out of bed and found a note on my bedside table. It was from Logan. He’d gotten up and taken my brothers to school but had left Max with me for protection. He ordered me to keep Max close at all times—along with a 9mm handgun resting on top of the note. I was to call him the moment I left the house and the second I reached the bar. If I saw Chance, I was to avoid him at all cost and call Logan immediately. I glanced at the weapon and shook my head. This was Montana. I had three handguns and four rifles in my gun case.

His reason for being overprotective unsettled me instantly. He was worried if he was right about Chance, he might come after me and my brothers. Dread settled in my gut. As much as I hated Chance for trying to take our home from us, he was still my brother. It would kill me a little if Logan was right. The thought that someone who shared the same blood as me could take a life turned my stomach. And the implications if it were true would be far-reaching too. Who would come to the bar once they found out Chance killed Duke? If we had to move, would it hurt Jake’s chances at a football scholarship? Would it affect the progress Josh had made under Logan’s supervision? And what about Logan? He’d been traveling for months looking for peace. He wasn’t the type of man who would stand for anyone attacking my brothers or me for Chance’s sin. So much was riding on Chance’s guilt or innocence. Just thinking about it was overwhelming and my heart began to trip a beat, which meant I needed to focus on something else. There was no need to borrow trouble before I had to, so getting to the bar for the morning deliveries was the first order of business.


