Storm Damage Read Online C.P. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 101501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 508(@200wpm)___ 406(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

“Then how can Chance call in the note if the term isn’t up?”

I took a deep breath through my nose then let it out slowly; relieved I’d overcome another panic attack before answering her. “We hadn’t done the paperwork before Chance strong-armed them into selling him the loan under threat of pulling his money.”

Jamie blinked. “You mean if his father had died a month later, you’d of had another year or two to come up with the principal? That’s awfully convenient, don’t you think?”

I raised a brow. “What? The fact his father died just in time to buy our note so he could exact his revenge on my family.”

Her face paled and her eyes grew huge. “Jesus, Skylar, that puts a whole new light on Chance . . . Do you think—”

“Do I think he killed his already dying father, just so he could mete out his revenge before we renewed the loan?”

She rolled her lips between her teeth and nodded slowly.

“No!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “He would never kill his father just to punish us when he could just wait until the loan came due again.”

Max came trotting over and leaned against my leg. I reached a hand down and ran it through his soft fur without thinking. My whole body relaxed further, and the remaining anxiety melted away when he began to lick my hand.

“Will he be able to stay in the bar when it’s open?” Jamie asked, squatting to her haunches to rub Max behind his ears.

“He’s a service dog,” a deep rumbling voice mumbled behind me. “He can’t be refused.” I would have jumped when Logan placed his hand on the small of my back, before leaning down to rub one of his large hands across Max’s head, but the warmth seeping through my hoodie felt nice. I pretended not to notice when he turned assessing eyes toward me as he leaned down. “Everything okay?”

Eyes the color of the bluest ocean searched my face, leaving me rattled and embarrassingly breathless. “Um. Sure. Yes?” I wanted to knock myself in the head at the breathy sound of my voice.

“You sure?”

Jamie stood from petting Max, mumbling, “I need to check the stock,” before retreating to the back.

Logan rose to his full height once we were alone and looked down at me until I had to tip my head back. He had to be close to six and a half feet tall. Most women would think twice about being left alone with a man his size, but I’d always been a good judge of character. Logan had an edge to him, but the core of him was kind. His years in Delta Force, and whatever atrocities he might have seen during the war, hadn’t stolen that fundamental part of him. Evidenced by the fact he stopped to check on us, sorted Josh out without being asked, and took a job he was wholly overqualified for because, and I was just guessing here, he liked my brothers and me enough to want to help out.

My pulse quickened as his entire focus seemed to be centered on me while he waited for my answer. A girl could get used to having Logan’s undivided attention, but I was his boss now and I couldn’t allow my hormones to dictate our interactions. It was time to draw that line in the sand and lock down any attraction I might have for the man. It would only complicate things. Especially if it was one-sided. A man who looked like Logan could have his pick of women in this town, so why would he settle for a mess like me?

“We need to talk about this morning,” I began.

Logan cocked his head to the side, then leaned an arm on the tabletop. He hadn’t put any space between us, so I took a step back. It was time to be the boss.

“What about this morning?”

“I decide what’s best for this bar. Not you.”

He seemed to puzzle over my statement before he responded, “Is this about Ty?”

I nodded. “He’s not a threat to me. He’s possessive, yes. But no real threat. We grew up together, so there’s a part of him that will always feel like he has to take care of me. That’s where he’s coming from, even if he doesn’t realize it. He has a fundamental need to take care of everyone he knows. His heart is in the right place, even if his actions are over-the-top. Once he sees that your presence means I’m safe, he’ll back off.”

Logan regarded me for a moment, then nodded in agreement. “He’s gone the moment he steps out of line though. No second chances, Skylar, or the problem will continue.”

I wanted to stand my ground, but I couldn’t argue with that. Ty had essentially played bouncer since I took over after my father became ill. Now that I had Logan, there was no need for him to be here every night keeping watch. “We’ll see how it goes. But I’ll be the one who decides if that time comes. Not you.”


