Stolen Sin – Fake Marriage Mafia Romance Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94048 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 470(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

I still don’t get why he covered for me. Everyone in that room knew I was lying about cleaning the floor, and the way Ethan talked to Mr. Bianco made it seem like he was some serious hotshot.

And yet he let me go.

Now I want to see him again. Him and his sex bag.

But those are thoughts for another version of me. Somewhere in the space-time continuum, maybe in an alternate universe, there’s a version of me that got her shit together after high school and went to college, that didn’t float from one dead-end job to the next, only to find herself desperately fighting to take care of her elderly father. Maybe that version is happy and has friends, and maybe that version can spend a little excess energy dreaming about steamy one-night stands with hot-as-sin rich guys.

That’s not me though.

All I get is sore feet and an aching back and older every day.

It’s a decent night though, all things considered. Rachel talks my ear off about how Danny promised to take her on vacation to Disney—horror of horrors, those two stuck at Disney for an entire week—and the tips continue to roll in. I get some friendly, appreciative looks from my male customers, and those looks are mostly aimed at my boobs, which is fine, that’s what they’re there for, and all in all I find myself with a decent wad of cash at the end of the evening.

I’m closing, like always, and there’s a part of me—psychotic, insane, unhinged, deranged—that wishes Mr. Bianco would show up again. Maybe I could crawl into the office and try to steal from the cash bag again, except I’m pretty sure I can’t get away with that twice. No, a bank robbery is in my near future.

“Night, girl,” Rachel says out front as Ethan locks the doors. He nods and heads off to his car, walking with his hands shoved in his pockets. Rachel gives me a quick hug. “I’m going home, making Danny rub my feet, and drinking an entire bottle of wine.”

“Lucky you. I’m going home, passing out, and waking up in approximately four hours for my next shift.”

Rachel sighs and gives me another, tighter hug. “It’ll get better,” she whispers. She knows something’s up with my family finances, but I haven’t given her all the details. If she knew how bad it was, she wouldn’t say something so patently wrong.

I watch her head off into the night before walking to my car. I’m parked on the far side of the lot, and there’s a part of me that’s disappointed.

I wanted to see Mr. Bianco again. I wanted him to swoop into the restaurant with his black duffel bag slung over one shoulder only to drag me by the arm into the back alley. I wanted him to proposition me, spend a night with me and find out exactly what I use this kinky stash for. I wanted him to fist my hair and kiss me and ravish me up against the wall of the alley, and maybe he could shove the gag in my mouth or tie my hands behind my back, just a little casual play, that’s all, not asking too much.

Instead, I’m back to my normal life.

Except there’s something different about my car. I slow then stop and stare as the driver’s side door opens and a man gets out. Of my car. I look around, wondering if maybe I’m looking at the wrong twenty-year-old Honda Accord, but no, that’s absolutely mine.

And Mr. Bianco was sitting behind the wheel.

“What are you doing?” I ask, my mouth wide open, and suddenly all my stupid sex fantasies don’t seem so great anymore.

Not staring at the man in the face.

That chiseled jaw, those hard eyes, his roguish smile like he knows he was being bad but doesn’t care that I caught him. His head tilts as he comes around the front of the car and saunters closer.

“I wanted to talk to you,” he says.

And a little voice in my head screams: less talking, more tying me up and fucking me!!!

“You wanted to talk to me by breaking into my car?” I step back from him and look around, but Rachel and Ethan are both already gone. Not that they’d be much help. “You realize that’s weird, right?”

“I haven’t broken into a car in a while. I just wanted to see if I could still pull it off.” He makes a disappointed face. “It wasn’t even hard.”

“Oh, sorry my car’s security let you down.” I throw my hands up. This guy is absolutely insane. “Seriously, this is an enormous violation. Like, you crossed a whole host of boundaries just now, you realize that, right?”

He looks back at me and doesn’t seem fazed. “Like I said, I want to talk to you.”


