Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

She raised up on her knees at his urging and then bit her lip as V’rex flipped up the bottom of his crimson-red toga. His shaft was standing straight up against his flat belly, long and hard and throbbing. At the base of it was a swelling which must be a mating fist, since he was half Beast Kindred, she thought. She found Kindred physiology amazing and interesting—though she’d never thought she would have a chance to study it up close like this.

“Pull yours up too,” V’rex commanded in a low voice. “So I can get inside your tight little pussy, sweetheart.”

Heart pounding in her throat, Penny did as he said. She was mortified to see that her pussy was both swollen and wet, her honey glistening on her inner folds, which were clearly exposed by the way her outer lips were spread as she straddled him.

“Gods…” V’rex’s pale gold eyes went half-lidded as he looked between her legs. “Such a soft, sweet little pussy,” he murmured. “Come here, sweetheart. Raise up so I can get inside you.”

As he spoke, he glanced meaningfully up at the glowing red light again. Penny understood what he meant—they’re watching. So she scooted forward and pressed against him with her breasts thrusting in his face.

V’rex took himself in hand and for a moment, she felt the broad head of his cock nudging the entrance of her pussy. God, was he really going to enter her? And what could she do to stop him if he decided to do that—to fuck her for real? Penny didn’t know.

Biting her lip and hoping for the best, she dropped the hem of her toga back down so that it covered both of them. Taking this as his cue, V’rex gripped her hips firmly again, and brought her down, as though easing himself inside her.

Penny did her best to play her part, closing her eyes as though in ecstasy and moaning as she settled more fully in his lap. Actually, she didn’t have to act very much. She could feel the thick, hot shaft of his cock parting her wet pussy lips and rubbing against the sensitive little button of her clit. The intimate contact shot an unexpected wave of pleasure through her and she had to bite back another moan—this time a real one.

V’rex was still playing his part to the hilt.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” he growled, looking into Penny’s eyes. “That’s right—just settle all the way down on me. Gods, your tight little pussy feels so good wrapped around my cock!”

Penny bit her lip in a mixture of embarrassment and desire. God, she couldn’t believe he was saying all this to her! Couldn’t believe she was half-naked in the big Hybrid’s lap with her pussy spread open by the long shaft of his cock, which was rubbing against her tingling clit! But here she was—pretending to fuck him and be fucked by him and as unbelievable as it was, this was actually happening.

Then V’rex cupped her breasts again and pulled her gently forward.

“Ride me, baby,” he murmured, looking into Penny’s eyes. “Ride me while I suck your sweet nipples.”

Then he drew her right peak into his hot mouth and began, very gently, to suck.


Penny had been tensed for the pain she was sure would accompany having the thick, sticky nectar drawn out of her breasts…but it never came. She wasn’t sure if it was because V’rex was using some of his lust-honey on her tight, sore nipples to heal them or if it was just that he was being so gentle, but there was no pain at all as he began to suck and swallow, emptying her breasts.

There was, however, considerable pleasure.

V’rex took as much of her nipple and breast into his mouth at one time as he could, enveloping her in a haze of sexual desire as he slowly sucked and ground against her. He was cupping her ass in his big hands and thrusting his hips just as though they were really fucking—as though he was actually buried root-deep in her pussy, stretching her wide with his thick shaft and Penny could feel every stroke.

In actuality, of course, she was just rubbing against him. But the hot friction between her wet, open pussy and his throbbing length was almost more than she could bear. Throwing back her head, she moaned restlessly, shifting her hips to meet his rhythm.

“Oh…” she gasped as he rubbed against her. “Oh, V’rex… That feels…feels so good.”

He released the nipple he was sucking for a moment and gave her a hot smile.

“Of course it does, little girl. It’s s’posed to feel good. Just relax and let yourself ride my cock. Ride me until you come for me—come all over me while I fuck you.”

His hot, dirty words were almost more than Penny could bear. As he captured her other nipple in his mouth and as the pressure in her breasts decreased, her pleasure grew and grew. Soon she found she was grinding helplessly—shamelessly—against his hot thickness while V’rex gripped her hips and rolled up against her, rubbing against her naked pussy until she thought she was going to go crazy with desire and need…


