Stir – The Sinfully Awakened Series Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 65389 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 262(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

“Don’t cry, Imogen. I’m sorry.” She is still hugging me. I know why she is apologizing. When I was little, she was my go to person. Not my mother. As we got older and my father drove a wedge between all of us, she became more and more distant and it hurt deeply.

“What are you doing here?” I ask her once again, wiping my face and loosening my grip.

“I live here.” She says so matter of factly.

“You live here? Like, as in here, with them?”

“Yes. I live with my man and his family.” Whoa.

“You are dating one of Alex’s brothers?” She snorts and a red tint covers her cheeks.

“Don’t say dating around him. He is a bit..”

“Possessive.” I finish the words for her. If he is Alex’s brother, then I can only imagine.

“Yes.” She says with a wistful sigh. “I have only been able to hold him off from marriage by the skin of my teeth.”

“Wow. So you have been right here this entire time.”

“I have. I have been slowly moving my things in as the opportunity has presented. I have only a few more things left which now that I know they are out of town I will get the rest this weekend and then I am done with them.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Seriously, I have no clue what to say.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t want you to be late for Alex. Look at me, Imogen. Out of all of us, you were the most obedient even though father thinks it is Rayna. I want you to find the life that makes you happy. If it is Alex, go for it. Be happy, Imogen.” I put my head down because as much as I missed her, I am not sure how to talk to her now. “I love you, Imogen.” I look up and smile.

“I love you too.” With that I walk out of the room and down the stairs. My mind is buzzing, practically spinning with what I have learned. I am so lost in thought that I almost miss Alex when he walks up to meet me halfway.

“You look, stunning baby.” he says in my ear, wrapping his arms around me.

“Thank you.”

“Oh my. Don’t you two look sweet.” I look around Alex and see his mom Kate, as she told me to call her, staring at us smiling. I find myself beaming as it hits me. My parents have never called my sister and I beautiful.

“Hello. My name is Manuel. I am Alex’s father. It is nice to finally meet you Imogen.” his father holds out his hand and the first thought I have is how warm both his parents are.

“Hello. Thank you for having me.” I look up at Alex and his eyes, as usual, are already on me, beaming, looking at me like a piece of gold.

“Are you ready to go, baby?”

“Sure.” he nods and grabs my hand. We walk out to the garage and he opens the car door for me. I am stunned by their garage, which is as big as a storage container on the inside, but it is what is inside that is the most amazing. I don’t know much about automobiles, but even I know there are at least five expensive looking cars and tons of colorful, shiny bikes.

“You like?” I turn and see Alex holding open my car door.

“They are incredible.” I tell him filled with awe as I sit in the car.

“Yeah, we take our cars and bikes seriously.” He leans over and buckles my seatbelt for me. I can’t help the warm fuzzy feeling that comes over me when he does this.

On the road, the car is quiet, but comfortable. He has one hand on the wheel and the other laced with mine on his lap. His eyes are on the road giving me a chance to sneak glances at him. Looking at his face from the side, I can see more of his chiseled features. When he isn’t tense or angry, his features are still strong, but more refined.

I take in the rest of him and find myself squirming. His arms are muscular and tanned. He has a tattoo of something on his arm that goes from his shoulder to his elbow. I watch his hands grip the steering wheel like he is anticipating something and my mind goes back to the grip he had on my hips as he rutted me over and over. “I can smell your wet pussy, Pequeña. What has you so worked up baby?” Oh my God!! Please swallow me up, I beg the universe. Screw swallowing you up. Why don’t you lean over and swallow something else? And she is back. “Imogen.”

He says my name with such authority that I know there is going to be a wet spot on his seat when I get out. “Uhm,” I tried clearing my throat. “ I was wondering why you call me Pequeña. What does it mean?” It is not entirely a lie. I have been wondering but have had more pressing things to focus on.


