Stay Tonight (Kincaid Brothers #3) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kincaid Brothers Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82265 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

I smile even though I know she can’t see me. “Anything you want. I’ll be there soon.”

“See you soon.”

Ending the call, I shoot Ryder a message.

Me: Alyssa’s fine with it. I figured she would be.

Ryder: Thank you. I’ll be sure to thank Alyssa as well.

Me: Do the others know you’re bringing her?

Ryder: Not yet. I was waiting to hear back from you.

Me: I told you to tell your girl to start packing.

Ryder: She’s got time. I’m going to text everyone now.

Me: Good.

I set my phone back on the nightstand and head to the shower. I mentally go over the items I need to add to my bag before I leave. Alyssa came over last night, and we had dinner, and she pretty much packed my clothes. She said she wanted to make sure nothing was wrinkled. I just let her do her thing. She knows me well enough to do it. I, for one, wasn’t the least bit worried about wrinkles. The house has two washers and two dryers. The wrinkles are nothing a spin in the dryer can’t fix, just like when I’m at home. My best friend didn’t agree, so she took over for me.

I still have to pack my phone charger and my toiletries, and I need to make sure my sunglasses are in the truck. I do not want to be on the weekend getaway without them. Ten minutes later, I’m dressed and tossing additional items into my bag. My phone is pinging like crazy with messages which means Ryder told our brothers about his girl in our group chat. I don’t want to get caught up in that, so I continue to ignore it and finish packing what I need.

Tossing my bag over my shoulder, I grab my phone and head to the living room. The trash is almost full, so I take that out so I don’t come back to a house that stinks. I learned that lesson the hard way. I take a walk around the house, making sure all doors and windows are locked before loading my things into my truck.

Before taking off, I read through the thread of messages with my brothers.

Ryder: I’m bringing someone with us. Her name is Jordyn. I already talked to Sterling, and he’s cleared it with Alyssa for them to share a room.

Maverick: Oh, I’m sure he did.

Merrick: Like it’s going to be a struggle for him to sleep next to his hot “best friend.”

Orrin: Can’t wait to meet her.

Brooks: Leave Sterling alone, and what Orrin said.

Rushton: Alyssa can share a room with me, and Archer can room with Sterling.

Archer: Nope. I’m taking Alyssa. You get Sterling.

Rushton: I called dibs on Alyssa.

Declan: I’m pretty sure Sterling already called dibs, Rush.

Declan: Are you sure you’re ready to bring her into this madness?

Ryder: Never been more certain.

Orrin: Well, all right then.

Deacon: Sterling’s going to kick your asses, and I’m going to watch. I’ll even keep him out of jail.

Brooks: See everyone here at ten. We’ll be on our best behavior, Ryder.

Ryder: And I have oceanfront property in Arizona I’d like to sell.

Maverick: I think we made Sterling mad.

Rushton: Yes! I get the girl.

These assholes. I’m shaking my head and smiling at the same time, only something my brothers can manage to make me do.

Me: Alyssa is off limits. Can’t wait to meet her. See you soon.

Tossing my phone in the cupholder, I pull out of the garage and head toward Alyssa’s. My phone pings the entire drive, and I can only imagine the shit they’re saying. When I make it to Alyssa’s, I put the truck in park and read their replies.

Rushton: You’re greedy, Sterling.

Archer: Right? Brothers are supposed to share.

Maverick: Oh! Are we sharing Alyssa now?

Merrick: Maybe she has a twin fantasy.


My text is followed by a laughing emoji from Maverick, Merrick, Rushton, and Archer. The others seem smart enough to leave it alone. They know I’m protective of Alyssa, and I always have been. It’s not that my brothers aren’t great guys. They are. However, I know myself. I know I would be jealous that they got her time, and I didn’t. It’s bad enough that one day she’s going to meet someone, and I’m going to have to share her. I’m not going to adjust well to that, and if it were one of my brothers, yeah, I don’t think so.

“What’s got you scowling at your phone like that?” Alyssa asks.

I turn to look where she’s standing with the passenger door hanging open, her suitcase at her feet, and a small backpack thrown over her shoulder. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even hear her open the door.

“Nothing, my brothers are being shitheads. Let me help you with that.” I move to open my door, but her words stop me.

“I got it.” She’s already opening the back door to my truck and hefting her suitcase inside and placing her backpack on the seat.


