Stars Shine In Your Eyes – London Sullivans Read Online Bella Andre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 89183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 297(@300wpm)

As they were walking, she pulled some colorful drawings out of her bag. “Here is what the gardens originally looked like,” she said, pointing to what looked to be a photocopy from a book. “Wouldn’t it be fun to use the original garden design as a jumping-off point and incorporate areas that are inspired by books?”

“I love that,” Josie said. Gardens and reading and stories just seemed to go together.

“I was hoping you would. Here.” She pointed to one of the drawings. “We could create a seating area that merges into the secret garden. And then over in this section—” She pointed to another drawing. “—we could have a mystical area straight out of Alice in Wonderland, with oversized chairs and bright fabrics. Because when you get lost in a story, it’s always a bit like slipping down a rabbit hole into a new world.”

“Yes,” Josie agreed. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

When Josie almost stumbled over a large rock, Alice said, “Sorry, I should have waited until we got there to show you this. We can go over it once we’re there. I’m just so excited about the possibilities.”

“Oh, no, I’m glad you’re excited, and there’s no need to wait. I actually perfected walking while reading a long time ago. And I almost never trip.” They laughed together at that.

For the next few minutes, as they walked and talked, Alice showed her other ideas that she had for the gardens, all of them brilliant.

“I don’t know that I have the authority to tell you to go ahead and do everything on your plan,” Josie said, “but I want you to know you have two thumbs-up from me. It’s going to be absolutely incredible. And I really am thrilled that you’re involved with this project.”

Alice gave her a hug. “Me too. I feel like we’re friends already.” Alice glanced back at her brother and then, lowering her voice, said to Josie, “I hope it’s been okay staying with Malcolm. I understand he can’t get into his flat in the city for a while, so you’re stuck with him on the houseboat. But if it’s uncomfortable in any way, you know we can find you somewhere else to stay.”

Josie tried not to betray any reaction to the idea of sharing River Star with Malcolm—or not. If Josie blushed or giggled or got too serious, Alice might guess that something was up. She tried her darnedest to keep her response in the same tone as the rest of their conversation as she said, “Oh, it’s great having him right there. It’s made it easy for us to go over all the details for this big cleanup at the cottages.”

Alice looked a little more closely at her. “You know, the one thing that’s a little strange about it is that Malcolm has been glued to his office for as long as I can remember. It’s surprising that he is suddenly willing to take an extended vacation to do grunt work on Elderflower Island.”

“I’m not exactly sure what his motivations are,” Josie said carefully, “but it sounds like he already had a vacation planned, and this is how he wants to spend it. Mari is definitely lucky to have him on board.”

“She is,” Alice agreed, “but I still have to wonder about his huge change of heart. Honestly, this morning it’s like he’s a different person. He’s not normally so smiley and easygoing. Usually, you can’t tear him away from his phone or computer.” Alice gave her another little smile and nudged her arm as they walked. “I’m starting to think maybe he has a crush on you.”

Josie couldn’t help but give an awkward little laugh. Which felt like it gave the whole game away. “I doubt it. I don’t think I’m his type. He probably dates models and starlets in London.”

Alice rolled her eyes. “I hate all his girlfriends. They do tend to be models, and honestly, I know there are lots of women who model and are interesting and intelligent and kind. But he doesn’t pick those ones. It’s like he chooses someone who will look good on his arm and never challenge him. I don’t know why he thinks he has to live out some cliché of the-billionaire-and-the-supermodel.”

That nearly stopped Josie in her tracks. “Billionaire?”

“Oh yeah,” Alice confirmed. “He’s insanely rich. He’s always trying to get me to take his money to start my own garden center. And he’s offered to buy the old music hall on the island for Tom as a silent partner, and he’s offered to help Mari financially with the bookshop. But none of us feel right about taking his money. I know I don’t. He earned what he’s earned on his own. And I, for one, want the satisfaction of doing the same for myself.” She grinned. “We’ll all happily take his free labor, though.”


