Spiral of Need Read Online Suzanne Wright (Mercury Pack #1)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Mercury Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Stay the fuck out of it,” Derren cautioned him in a tone that promised retribution. “Your mate deserves this. You can’t save her from it. If you try to interfere again at any point, I’ll be on you before you can blink. We clear?”

“She’s my mate!”

“And Ally’s my mate.”

A part of Ally—small though it was—felt a little sorry for Zeke. It had to be hard watching your mate losing a fight. But that wasn’t going to stop Ally from dueling the bitch. In a quick explosion of brutal hits, she almost had Rachelle on the ground. But Rachelle quickly righted herself and slammed her foot into Ally’s ribs. Son of a bitch! Pain pulsed through her abdomen, almost making her heave with nausea.

The scents of blood, sweat, rage, and apprehension tainted the air, swirling around them and inciting Ally’s wolf. The animal, despite being so eager to play a part, hadn’t battled Ally for supremacy; she knew Ally wouldn’t keep the wolf out of the fight. So she’d lain in wait, ready to lunge at the first opportunity. Now Ally was ready for her wolf to join in.

In a split second, she shifted into her wolf form just long enough to leap up and bite a chunk out of Rachelle’s upper arm. Then Ally was back in human form so fast her clothes barely suffered from the change. Gasps and exclamations of shock rang throughout the crowd. Rachelle appeared just as shocked, and Ally—wearing a grin that could only be called evil and clearly freaked Rachelle out—took clear advantage of it. She briefly shifted back and forth again and again as she mercilessly attacked.

Executing a pitiless punch to her opponent’s throat, Ally winced. Her knuckles were chafed and swelling. Her ribs were aching, making it hurt to breathe. Her palm, chest, arm, and cheek were bleeding. She could taste Rachelle’s blood in her mouth, thanks to her wolf biting the bitch repeatedly. And she was sweating and beginning to tire, but she felt Derren feeding her strength through their bond.

Rachelle wasn’t in a much better state. Her jaw and nose were swollen, her face was badly bruised, one of her arms was almost limp, sweat and blood matted her hair, she was panting heavily, and her clothes were stained with blood from the many places she’d been bit, sliced, raked, and stabbed.

Flinching as she received another deep wolf bite to her side, Rachelle ground out, “Fuck this.” Then, ripping her clothes, she shifted into a red wolf. Ally followed suit, giving her wolf complete control—and, as such, totally destroying her clothes.

The white wolf flattened her ears and peeled back her lips as she growled at her opponent. Hackles raised, the red wolf bared her teeth as a bold growl trickled out of her. They lunged at each other, their bodies crashing hard. Clawing deep into fur and flesh, they growled and snarled as they both viciously battled for dominance.

Yelping from a harsh bite to her flank, the red wolf sprang away. Chest heaving, she released a fierce growl, daring the white wolf to attack again. But the white wolf wasn’t in the mood to toy with her prey. Didn’t want a duel. Her human side had punished their opponent, and now the white wolf wanted to end it, to force their opponent—who by killing her would have killed her mate—to submit or die. There could be no middle ground.

She didn’t leap at the red wolf. She barreled into her, causing her opponent to fall onto her side. The red wolf brutally swiped at the white wolf’s muzzle before righting herself. In retaliation, the white wolf sunk her teeth deep into her opponent’s shoulder, tearing through fur, flesh, and muscle until they grazed bone.

Bucking and clawing, the red wolf managed to get free. But she didn’t manage to move far away. The white wolf slammed her body into hers hard enough to send the red wolf sprawling onto her back. The white wolf wasted no time in taking advantage of it. She straddled her opponent and pressed her forepaws onto the red wolf’s shoulders to pin her flat. Then the white wolf clamped her jaws around her opponent’s throat, causing the red wolf to freeze.

Freeze, but not submit.

The white wolf heard voices shouting. She didn’t understand the words, nor did she care. Her attention was on the female beneath her, who attempted to struggle free. The white wolf warningly tightened the grip of her jaws slightly, feeling a little of the red wolf’s blood seep into her mouth.

Again, the female froze. But again, she didn’t submit.

Giving one final warning, the white wolf growled as she shook her opponent. There was more shouting from the crowd, and then the scent of the red wolf’s mate as he rushed at them. The white wolf didn’t panic, sensing that her own mate was holding him back, that he would protect her.


