Speak No Evil – The Book of Caspian – Part 2 Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74450 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

Lies have expiration dates. They’re like old milk. They curdle and stink the older they get. They always time out. And motherfucker, as sure as my name is Caspian Evan Emory, your damn time is up…

Chapter Twenty-Five

Caspian wrapped his arms around Noah and squeezed.

“I go next week. You’ll see me again before then. Don’t be sad. I’ll be back soon.”

“Do you promise, Caspian? You said that last year ’round Christmas but you didn’t come back. You said the same thing when you were here for Axel’s wedding but the next day, you were gone. You said—”

“I know, but that was different, Noah. I had a problem with being in Portland because it was painful for me, okay? I’d come back when needed but bail as soon as I could. Those days are over. I can look it all dead in the face, the truth of the pain and hurt, and deal with it, okay? I’m done runnin’. I didn’t too much like running away in the first place, but I didn’t know what else to do at the time.” He shrugged.


“Now, you make sure you do good at work tomorrow. Call me and let me know all about it.”

“I will.”

He pulled up to Uncle Bobby’s house and let Noah out. After watching Noah make his way inside, he pulled away and drove back to the townhouse. He headed straight to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Rocking his body. Stomping his foot. About to explode.

He turned on his computer and re-read the email he’d received from the DNA company he’d selected after verifying they would destroy all DNA samples after processing.

He re-read the email for the third time, closed his eyes, and rocked harder. He yelled so loud, the sound rang in his ears. His heart did painful, gut-wrenching flips. Then, his phone rang, stealing him from the moment.

Azure’s number flashed on the caller ID.

Why is she calling? She should be getting ready to leave.

Now that they were engaged, she was preparing to meet the ladies of the Brother Disciples. English had planned a day of shopping and dinner for all three of them. Azure was excited and had spent a great deal of time squealing when she realized English had done some work on a book about a piece of art from Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, one of her favorite artists.

“Hi, baby.”

“Hey, Caspian! Look, I wanted to give English a gift because I found out tomorrow is her birthday. I don’t have Axel’s number. Do you know what sort of stuff she likes?”

“Well, she’s one of those book people, so… books. Old books.”


“Baby, now why would I know the answer to somethin’ like that? Men don’t talk about such things usually. We barely know what our own mothers and wives like for presents, let alone another motherfucker that is only a friend of the family. We don’t sit around talkin’ about, ‘Oh my, my lady sure loved those earrings, especially the detailing.’ Who gives uh shit?”

“You don’t have to be all nasty about it! I just thought maybe you knew something is all. Just forget I asked!”

“I’m sorry, your question just sounded silly to me.”

“You’re making things worse for yourself, bitch ass.”

“Look,” he chuckled at her insult, “I tell you what. I can give you Axel’s number and you can call him, okay? I’ll text it to you.”

“Okay. Are you all right? You sound agitated, Caspian. You can be an asshole sometimes, but this takes the cake.”

“Yeah, I’m fine, honey. Just tired. I took it out on you, and that wasn’t cool. Sorry about that. Enjoy yourself, okay?”

“Okay. Have a safe trip to Georgia. I hope the moving truck folks don’t break any of your things. Get the insurance.”

“I hope not, too, and I did. When I get back, you and I will start house shoppin’, just like I said, okay?”

“Okay. I love you, baby.”

“Love you too, honey.” He disconnected the call, then immediately texted her Axel’s number.

After studying that email one more time, he closed the computer, plotting his next move…

…A couple of days later

Caspian appeared unannounced right after Azure returned home from her trip, with barely enough time to unpack and get her bearings. When she opened the door, she immediately spotted his dilated pupils, dark purple at the center, reminding her of a snake. He stood with his chest heaving, broad shoulders back, head held high.

Quiet… so quiet.

An animal released from an iron cage—in beast mode.

Her heart split in half at the sight of him, the man who always kept his cool, roared and screamed in her living room. Protruding veins pulsed along his neck and forehead. He rushed to her couch and beat the shit out of it. Pounding fists into the cushions so ferociously, she was certain he’d rearranged their shape. She offered him what he needed.


