Sparkles and Scowls (Blue Ridge Magic #3) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82371 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 412(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)


Mages cheat.

Slamming my eyes closed, I grabbed onto the car door to keep my legs from taking me over to my mage without my permission. They sometimes liked Carrick better than me. I couldn’t let them win this time. I had to lecture him first.

“We have things to talk about.” I should’ve written them down. “You have to stop that.”

I could not be distracted by being ogred.

It didn’t matter that he was huge and nearly naked, with a loincloth as his only actual clothing. It didn’t matter that he had muscles bulging everywhere. It also didn’t matter that he was wearing a big gaudy diamond necklace so that the ogre in question looked like he was the ruler of his tribe.


Mages cheat.

Carrick’s laugh was deep and rough and sent a shiver through me. My feet even tried to move me forward but I held on tight. “You’ve trespassed into my land, little dragon. You must pay the price if you want to stay.”

Oh, that was…


When had I let go of the car?

“I…I have to stay.” Because I lived there on a regular basis. “What…what’s the price?”

I was weak…very weak.

The way the ogre growled wasn’t helping me find my resolve either. Somehow it sounded like Carrick but a rougher version of him. My slightly fussy mate was nowhere to be found in the sexy monster standing before me.


When had I opened my eyes?

How had he made his muscles that big?

Was his cock bigger?

The bulge under the loincloth said it might be and just thinking about how that would feel sent tingly pleasure through me.

“A night in my bed.” The tone would’ve done it for me by itself but my ogre glared and that made it all even hotter. “But if I enjoy you…”

The way the threat trailed off had my dick trying to burst out of my pants. I’d lost control of my legs and my dick, so there was obviously no use fighting.

“You can’t do that.” Hmm, had that come out breathy? “I…I’m a scary dragon.”

The ogre scoffed but the sound came out angry and did wicked things to me. “Not in the land of the ogre. Here you’re helpless and you know it, or you’d have already changed.”

Oh yes, we needed to do that at some point.

Maybe once we’d been mated for a full week?

“Being helpless doesn’t mean I’ll fall into your bed.” But it would mean I’d let him fuck me against the tree.

“You don’t have a choice.” Carrick finally closed the distance between us, and I couldn’t help gasping as the ogre I was seeing swept me up in his arms. “You’re mine for as long as I want you.”

Then I needed to make sure he wanted me for a long time so we got to play this again.

He was huge.

“No.” I wiggled against him, hoping to get a good feel of his bulge but he kept me too high against his body just to fuck with me. “You can’t.”

“I can and I will.” The ogre’s arms tightened and his firm-looking lips curled up in a rough, wicked grin. “You gave yourself to me as soon as you entered my land.”

I tried to protest but my ogre gripped my ass tight and took my mouth in a long, heated kiss. I knew it was Carrick but the mouth wasn’t his and that just did crazy things to my imagination. “I…I can’t surrender to you.”

Pleasure flashed in his eyes. “You don’t have to. I’ll take you anyway.”


I tried to pout and complain, but suddenly we were pressed against the tree. He shifted me in his arms until my back was against the rough bark and my legs were around his waist. “You—”

He cut me off before I could find my thought. “I own you. My own helpless little dragon.”

My ogre looked pleased as I shivered and I knew he couldn’t miss how hard I was. “My helpless little dragon slut. Did you come into my territory knowing what would happen?”

Grinding against me, he made it clear that the bulge was bigger than usual and it was very excited to have a new game to play. “Yes, you knew what would happen.”


But I shook my head and pouted. “No. I’m innocent. I wouldn’t—”

He reached under me and spanked my ass as he growled low again. “Don’t lie to me. Have I caught a true virgin slut?”


I shivered as a moan slipped out before I could catch it. “I wouldn’t lie about that. Never. But please don’t make me say it. I can’t.”

Wicked pleasure showed in my ogre’s eyes as he gave my ass another pop. “I won’t make you beg to be owned and fucked, little dragon. I’ll just take you.”

Mates were awesome.

Before I could do more than suck in a breath, his big ogre hands ripped the seat of my pants and suddenly my ass was bare to the world…and my ogre.


