Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“Hey,” she says when she sees me coming over. I bend and kiss her lips.

“Enough of that,” Max says. “I’m right here.”

I laugh at him and lean down and kiss her again, just to fuck with him, but also because I want to and because I can. “Where is Jack?” I ask her, and then she looks at me.

“Your parents took him home and said to enjoy the night,” she tells me. “They don’t expect us home until tomorrow.”

“Really?” I tell her, bringing her closer to me. “Well, then.”

“I’m out,” Max says to us, leaning forward and giving Denise a kiss. “Call me tomorrow,” he says and turns to walk away.

“So how about we grab some food and then take it home to the loft.” We walk toward the truck, and I open the door for her as she gets in. I walk around the truck, getting in, and we stop by the deli on the corner by her house, and we walk into the loft.

We watch television, or we try to, but we end up getting naked, and I make her come on my tongue, my fingers, and then I slide into her.

By the time we walk into the house the next day, I’ve kissed every single piece of her, and I still haven’t had enough.

We hang with my parents, and she slowly but surely starts chipping away at my father’s tough exterior. None of us mention the big elephant in the room.

We go to bed early, Denise staying again, and then when we walk into the hospital the next day, both of us are holding Jack’s hand as he takes on the biggest fight of his life, and he’s only five.

Denise maintains a brave front when we walk up to the nurses’ station. She is starting with us, then she will start her shift.

“Jumping Jack here for his superpowers,” she says to Mallory. She smiles down at him, and he gives her a big smile and then turns to look at my parents who also came.

“I’m going to have superpowers,” he tells them, and they laugh.

“Come right this way,” Mallory says, getting up and going to the room where he will be hooked up.

“Okay, Jumping Jack,” Mallory starts. “You need to go in there and change out of your clothes and put on this gown,” she tells him, and he just nods at her.

“I’ll take you,” Shirley says as he walks to the bathroom to change.

“I’m going to go put my stuff away,” Denise says to me. “I’ll be right back.”

I nod at her as she squeezes my hand, walking away. “I feel like there is a jackhammer in my chest.” I look at my father who comes to me, slapping my shoulder.

“Have faith,” he says as he blinks away his tears. “You have to have faith.” I just nod at him and wait.

Jack comes out and sits on the chair in the middle of the room when Mallory walks in with Steve. “How is my favorite patient doing?” Steve asks Jack.

“I’m going to get superpowers,” he tells him, and Steve just nods, sitting in front of him. “So we are going to start the IV, and then we are going to put the superpower in.”

“Am I going to be sick with this one?” he asks Steve. “I threw up a lot of the other one.”

“I hope not,” Steve answers him. “But we don’t know for sure.”

“Okay,” he says as he sits in the chair that is too big for him. His body preparing for the biggest fight of his life, and he has no idea.

Denise now comes in, wearing her lab coat. “So what did I miss?” she says, coming next to me.

Mallory comes in and lays the instruments down to start an IV. “It’s going to pinch,” she says, and no matter how many times he’s had an IV, he silently starts to cry.

I sit next to him, holding his hand, his silent cry starting to get a bit louder. “It hurts,” he says, and I lean over and kiss him.

Whispering in his ear, I tell him, “You are so brave. You are so strong.” Tears now roll down my cheeks.

“There,” Mallory says, “all done.”

I wipe Jack’s face, and he just nods. “How about we get a nice family picture?” Steve says. “So we can hang it on the wall once you beat this.”

My parents come and stand behind me with Jack in front, and then I look at Denise. “You too, Dr. Denise,” Jack says, and she just shakes her head, but Steve pushes her forward. She sits on the other side of Jack, holding his hand.

“Okay, say survivor,” Steve says, and we all repeat him.

“I have to go see Evie,” Denise says. “But I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Okay,” Jack says. “Is she getting her superpowers also?”


