Sold to the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 76082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 380(@200wpm)___ 304(@250wpm)___ 254(@300wpm)

Now that's for fucking sure.

"Why didn't you tell me? All I got was that text and when I tried calling, you didn’t answer. And what are you wearing? I'm so confused."

Natalie shrinks down a little with each new question. "God, my phone isn’t working. We… We rented one of those paddle boats in Uptown Park, and um… you know how clumsy I am. I ended up falling in the water and Eric took me to his place since it’s closer. My phone still hasn’t turned back on, and I borrowed these from his… roommate.”

"So why didn't you come home afterwards?" Sandra can’t possibly be fucking swallowing this.

This is painful, but I could watch Natalie blush like this all fucking day.

"Well, we… you know. Got distracted. Time kind of got away from me."

"Natalie…" Sandra shakes her head, and I think our goose is fucking cooked, except she bursts out laughing. “After all these years of telling you to loosen up, you decided to jump right in with both feet. Literally. It's about time you had some fun. You spend so much time here worrying about me. I'm so glad someone finally broke you out of it!"

"Rea—really?" Natalie seems about as amazed as I am that her sister’s buying it.

"Of course!" Sandra pulls Natalie out of my arms and into another hug. "I'm super happy for you." But when she looks up at me over Natalie's shoulder, her expression darkens like a storm cloud. "Don't fucking hurt her," she mouths.

I smile back, unfazed. If she expects me to be scared of a fucking kid, she’s not as tough as she thinks she is. I have no intention of hurting Natalie, but this world isn’t kind to innocents, and if it were up to me, Sandra would know that I’m not the one that got her sister into deep shit.

"I'm just going to go get some clothes," says Natalie when they break the hug.

"You're not staying?"

"I can't. I'm sorry. We've… we've got plans."

"I bet. Go ahead." Sandra grins until Natalie disappears into a bedroom. Then she turns dead serious as she faces me, voice like ice. "Who’re you with? I'll take hundred to one odds that no one's called you Eric in years, if that’s even your name."

I consider lying for a moment, but obviously she knows what's up. "Eagles."

"Fuck," she hisses. “Nat’s not… she’s not your type.”

"I’ll be the judge of that. And I'm taking care of her. Trust me. Me and my brothers."


"Not my business to say, but so long as she’s with us, she’s fucking safe."

"Does she know? That you ride with the Eagles?"


“Then why is she hiding it from me?”

"Jesus. Probably because she doesn't want you to fucking worry." I keep looking towards the bedroom, just in case Natalie comes back out.

"Why would I worry?” she asks sarcastically. “Just because my sister, whose idea of a wild night is a bottle of rosé and baking cookies, rides up on a motorcycle behind a blooded member of the biggest MC in the city, without a phone, without her clothes and spewing a dumbass story? Do you think I'm stupid? I've been so deep in that shit it was coming out my ears, and I can smell the stink of whatever this is from a mile away. Me and her? We’re all we’ve got left and I’m not letting that go for anything.”

I appreciate her loyalty, but someone’s got to slap her down before she throws this attitude at someone who won’t hold back. “You questioning my word?”

“What? No, I—”

“Yeah, you fucking were. I told you she’s safe with us, and if you want to do your fucking part to keep it that way, you’ll smile, nod and keep your ass out of trouble until Natalie tells you different.”

Sandra’s whole attitude flips from mama bear to scared shitless. "Why? What’s going on? Why can’t she just come home?"

“Because we’re in love,” I say with a smooth grin. “You wouldn’t want to stand in the way of that. Would you?”

Sandra doesn’t get the chance to fire back because Natalie comes out of the bedroom with a bulging backpack.

"I hate to say it, but I really should get going. Are you going to be okay here by yourself? God, I'm a terrible sister, aren’t I?"

"No! I'm so glad you’re having a good time. Enjoy it!" Sandra squeezes Natalie tight. "Eric promised he’d make sure you stayed in touch so I don’t worry.” She sends me a pleading look.

Natalie blinks in surprise. “Really?”

Fucking great. Now I’d feel like a God damned monster for saying no. “Yeah.”

On the way out, Natalie stops me. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For not telling her what I told you. You know, that it was her debt I got in trouble for. She’d just beat herself up about it and probably do something that made it even harder on both of us. At least this way I know my little sister is safe.”


