Soaring with Fallon Read online Kristen Proby (Big Sky #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Big Sky Series by Kristen Proby
Series: Kristen Proby Crossover Collection

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 69686 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 348(@200wpm)___ 279(@250wpm)___ 232(@300wpm)

“Hi, Drake.” I shake his hand. I’d seen Drake around town since he moved here a couple of years ago. “How is she?”

“You can come in,” he says, gesturing for us to follow him. We walk inside, and I hurry to Fallon’s side, taking her hand in mine.

“Oh, baby.” She has a bandage over her eye, and some bruising on her neck where the seatbelt hit.

“Hey,” she says weakly. “Something happened.”

“She’s actually very lucky,” Drake says. “We don’t see any broken bones. She’s very banged up, but so far, no collapsed lungs or anything else to raise flags. She’s going to be here for a few days while we keep an eye on her in case that changes.”

“She can stay for as long as it takes,” I say, watching her frown. “What is it, babe?”

“Hurts,” she says. “My Jeep is totaled.”

“We’ll get you another one,” I assure her. “The important thing is that you’re okay.”

“Not okay,” she murmurs. Her eyes are closed. “Have to turn the eagle loose.”

“We can do that later. Maybe she should sleep,” I say, and Drake nods his head.

“She’ll need plenty of rest and fluids, and we’ll start an IV antibiotic as well to combat any possible infection. We’ll keep a close eye on her.”

“I’m staying,” I say firmly, not willing to leave her side.

“She’ll feel better knowing you’re here,” Drake says with a smile. “I’m sorry this happened, Noah. I don’t know what I’d do if it was Abby.”

I nod, watching Fallon. She’s frowning.

“What is it, love?”

“Something’s wrong,” she says again. The monitors start to go crazy.

“Out,” Drake says, all business again as more people rush into the room.

“Come on,” Sam says, tugging my arm. “Give them room.”

I step back, and a nurse pushes us out of the room altogether and pulls a curtain so we can’t see what’s happening.

“Code blue, room three,” comes over the intercom.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I look to Sam, whose face is white and hard. “What does it mean, Sam?”

“A code blue means she has no pulse.”

I pace away, scrubbing my hands down my face. I faintly hear Sam calling Gray through the rushing in my ears. More people hustle in and out of Fallon’s room, and the next thing I know, she’s being wheeled away, a whole team of people surrounding her.

“Drake!” I yell. “What’s happening?”

He doesn’t even spare me a glance as he runs alongside her bed and disappears through a heavy set of double doors.

“You can wait in the waiting room,” the nurse says. “We will update you when we know more.”

“What in the hell is going on?” I ask, but she can only shake her head.

“We don’t know. Her heart is beating again, but they’ve taken her in for exploratory surgery to find out what’s happening. That’s all I know. Dr. Merritt will come and talk to you when he’s done.”

She walks away, and I follow Sam to the waiting room on numb legs and collapse on a chair, my head falling into my hands.

Sam’s talking on the phone next to me. I can’t hear the words. I don’t give a shit what he’s saying. I need to know if Fallon’s going to live through this nightmare. I can’t lose her. Not now, not when I just found her.

“We’re here.”

My head whips up at the sound of my mom’s voice.

“I called them,” Sam says, patting me on the shoulder. “You need family. I’m going to head home, but I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know how she’s doing.”

“We will,” Dad says.

“Thank you,” I say, standing and shaking Sam’s hand. “If you hadn’t been there—”

“I was,” he says with a nod. “No need to think about the alternative. Keep me posted.”

He leaves, and I’m left with Mom and Dad. Autumn joins us.

“Gray’s talking with Sam,” she says, her eyes wide with fear and concern. “What happened?”

When Gray joins us, I tell them what I know. Fallon’s accident, her injuries, and her coding before being swept off to surgery.

“Scared the hell out of me,” I mumble, pushing my hands through my hair. “I don’t know what’s happening back there.”

“Waiting is always the hardest part,” Dad says grimly. “Dr. Merritt is the best there is. She’s in excellent hands.”

I nod and sit again, sick to my stomach with worry. I wish I was back there. I wish I could see what’s happening.

* * * *

“It’s been three hours,” I mutter in frustration.

“That doesn’t mean it’s bad news,” Mom says, but she doesn’t make me feel any better.

“I know who I can call.” I pull out my phone and call Brad Hull.


“I need your wife,” I tell him. “Fallon’s in surgery, and Hannah’s a doctor. She can get me information. Better than that, you’re the chief of police. Get your ass down here and demand to be filled in on Fallon’s status.”


