Sincerely Up Yours – Grumpy Boss Comedy Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 85593 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

“A little,” I admitted.

“How long are you planning to stay?”

“As long as it takes. It has to be finished by the end of the week. Those are the rules, right?”

He didn’t respond right away. Dominic had on a silky gray vest over his black button down today. A scarlet tie was tucked underneath. His dark hair was pushed back and he looked so painfully good it almost hurt to meet his eyes. I never knew I was into vests, but something about the way that vest hugged his broad chest and made his big arms seem even more impressive as they shot out from the sleeves was just… Mmm.

“Do you need more time?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “Because if I tell you I need more time, then you get to say I’m not hacking it and it’ll be part of why you fire me.”

He looked frustrated–or maybe he’d eaten something that didn’t agree with him. Dominic let out a long breath through his nose. “You can have until next Friday. But take any longer than that, and your ass is mine.” He had started to walk away, but he froze, as if replaying his last words. “Poor choice of words,” he added in a near whisper. Then he went back to his office and closed the door.

A brief but very vivid mental image of Dominic taking my ass in both of his hands invaded my thoughts. My core tensed and my body went warm. Goosebumps prickled up and down my thighs and arms.

“Get it together, Darcy,” I said, blinking hard and trying to think about something innocent, like bunnies hopping through fields of flowers.

Had Dominic Lockwood just shown me mercy? What the hell was going on? I pinched my arm to make sure I hadn’t passed out at my desk and dreamed this. It hurt, and I was still right there in the same spot.

Once what he’d just said sank in, I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. Excitement rolled through immediately after. I had a whole week to make this story what I hoped it could be. A week to get it perfect. I was so happy I could’ve kissed him. No, wrong thought. I was so happy I could’ve got up and danced?

With a sigh, I gave my screen another look. It was blurry and I had trouble focusing. I could keep bashing my head against the piece tonight and probably end up deleting everything I wrote tomorrow, or I could go home and get some rest. I had dinner with my parents on Sunday, but other than that, my weekend was wide open. I’d work on this every chance I got and maybe even get it finished before Friday.

I started gathering my things, but my purse caught on my chair as I stood and half my stuff spilled on the floor. I got on my knees, bending over as I scooped everything up and shoved it back in the bottomless black hole that was my purse. I saw things in that mess I hadn’t seen in what felt like years. For about the hundredth time, I lied to myself and said I’d clean my purse later.

When I got up from my knees, something made me look over my shoulder. I saw Dominic standing at his window, staring straight at me–straight at where I’d just been pointing my ass in his direction.

Jesus Christ.

Feeling awkward, I waved. He ignored my wave and walked back to his desk while I rushed to the elevator.

I tried my best to mutter angrily about how creepy him staring at me was as I waited for the doors to close. But I knew the truth. Being stared at like that was only creepy when I didn’t want to jump the guy’s bones. Knowing Dominic was lusting after me just made every nerve in my body light up like a freaking Christmas tree.

I pressed my thighs together, feeling uncomfortably turned on. I really wished I could just be annoyed with him. He was my boss, after all. A boss shouldn’t be leering at his employee’s ass. But then an employee probably shouldn’t be having regular dirty dreams about playing hide the sausage with her boss, either.

In a completely unrelated string of thoughts, I decided maybe I should invite Dominic to dinner Sunday.



Her text came through on my watch while I was doing my morning run. Breathing heavy, I read the words and found myself smiling before I could stop it.

Darcy: Dinner with my parents tonight at 6. Be there. My dad’s sort of famous steaks and a romantic back patio for dessert.

I tapped the thumbs up button and continued running. I found myself pushing harder lately during my workouts. I’d nearly torn something in my shoulder last week and now I was running through an ache in my knee. I just couldn’t seem to push it hard enough to fully clear her from my mind. No matter how much I lifted or how fast I ran, Darcy was right fucking there.


