Shockproof – Haworth Enterprises Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 66977 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 223(@300wpm)

One last doting caress is delivered on a cooed, “Stay sweet, Angel Cake.”

“Stay safe, Cowboy.”

A tiny blush presents itself prior to him motioning to his partner to head out. Reassurance about communication is exchanged between him and Reynolds while Blu kisses his own girlfriend lovingly goodbye.

Once they’re officially gone, Aviva turns towards me on an enamored sigh. “Can I ask you something?” She places her mug down on the counter. “Girlfriend to girlfriend?”

Now, there’s something I don’t think I ever imagined someone saying to me.

“Yeah.” My shoulders innocently bounce. “Go for it.”

“Is it wrong to want to cease the hive cycle that’s served us so well and only have the one drone become my everything?” Her elbow lands on the counter to allow her face to flop into her open palm. “Is it wrong or weird to be ready for us to have something like that of the winter bee? Is it too soon? Is it too fast? Is too unheard of?” She purses her lips together for only a second, shaky yellow wording landing with a comical splat on my lap. “Okay, I know it’s not unheard of. Unheard of would’ve been wanting this after we first slept together two dates in.”

Two dates?!

They slept together after two dates?!

Is that how quickly people should be sleeping together?

Obviously, it worked for them…and I am probably not licensed to judge since it took us six almost seven years to fall into bed…but…that seems…fast.

Maybe I should ask Hilda.

Although, do I really wanna know how quickly she and my brother got into the sack?

“What do you think?” Aviva gives my leg a light touch. “You know from girlfriend to girlfriend.”

“I’m gonna be brutally honest here.” Tossing my hands in the air is thoughtlessly done. “I don’t really know what you’re trying to ask me.”

She giggles. Wrinkles her nose. Releases another captivated sigh. “Is it too soon to want Blu to permanently live with me? I know when their assignment began it was for cover, but now that he’s here, and I’ve had him here with me constantly, no part of me wants to go back to living apart when the time finally arrives. And it will arrive because you’re not gonna be in danger forever. I mean, come on now. Sure, your landscaping and habitat have been threatened and suffered severe change, but you’re on the path of survival. You’re so not the Yellow Banded Bumble Bee.”

“The Transformer?” Reynolds curiously inquires, invading the conversation.

Aviva politely smiles at him. “Bombus.”

“You don’t have to call me names. I was just…asking.”

“No, it’s a species in the genus Bombus.”

“Ohhhhh…” he attempts to play off his confusion. “I knew that.”

The eyeroll that escapes me isn’t hidden. “Anyway…”

I wait until her attention is back with me.

“I don’t think it’s too soon to want that, if that’s what you both really want.” Picking my mug back up, I bashfully confess, “Afterall, Slater asked me to move in permanently like a week ago which was after declaring we were pre-engaged might I add.” I shake my wrist at eye level to display the bracelet. “My parents are always preaching that it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. It matters what feels right to you. So, if moving him in feels right to you two then I definitely say go for it.”

She nods her comprehension and reaches for her own cup. “Can I just say that I love that we are going to permanently beeeeee neighbors?”

Lightly laughing at her pun can’t be stopped.

I don’t know what it is about her and her silly jokes.

Maybe the confidence she uses to tell them?

“You know what I think is weird?” Reynolds interjects a second time, moving his frame around to be in better view of us both. “The fact those two assholes got smart, funny, and fucking beautiful women to want to live with them and my ass can’t even get one to go out with me.”

“Like a woman in general or one who is all of those things?” I investigate between sips.

“Nowadays?” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “A woman in general.” Seeing the droopy gray lettering unexpectedly tugs at my heartstrings. “Not that I exactly have time since if I’m not on duty like this, I’m sleeping until I have elevator duty, or checking on Yi and his family – who said thanks for the lemon berry scones FYI. I know shit won’t be this way forever, but I guess…” A small shrug is given. “Listenin’ to you two make plans makes me wonder will some chick ever wanna make plans with me.”

Taken back by his openness, which is the most open I’ve ever heard him, leaves me momentarily speechless.

Reynolds isn’t as bad as he once was.

Yeah, he has his obnoxious moments, but Slater was right.

He is a good fit for the small team.


