Shiver Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense, Thriller Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 109523 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 548(@200wpm)___ 438(@250wpm)___ 365(@300wpm)

Lucas caught Snow’s smirk out of the corner of his eye and turned to glare at him.

“What?” the doctor said, raising his hands. “I don’t have to like the guy to agree with him. And going there right after getting your ass beat was a dumb ass move.”

“You don’t like me?” Banner tried to pout but a cough ruined it. He grimaced, glanced around the room and walked to the paper towel dispenser by the bed. “I’m a likeable guy. Give me a chance.” He started to wipe his nose, but Snow made a sound of disgust and walked into the bathroom.

He came back with tissues and handed them to the cop. “I don’t appreciate you sharing your germs with someone who’s been in a hospital twice in less than a week. Let’s save the questions for when you don’t have a fever.”

“I don’t have a—” he broke off. “Okay, yeah, sorry.” He walked back to the door, but didn’t leave. “Don’t suppose you got a good enough look to identify the crispers in what’s left of your building?”

Lucas shook his head. “No, but I recognized one of the voices from the other night. Not the guy with the accent, but one of the bigger ones. He cursed a few times—his voice was distinctive. Deep and nasally.”

“Hear anything that could let us know why they torched the place?”

“Only that they had no idea what they were doing. Arson wasn’t something they normally did, so I’m guessing someone ordered or paid them to do it.”

“Okay, good enough for now.” Banner wiped his upper lip with the tissue. “Keep your phone handy tomorrow in case I have more questions.”

“Will do.” Lucas watched him straighten up but stopped him before he was out of sight. “Hey Banner? The avgolemono? That better not be considered a good meal.”

Banner chuckled. “That meal was not merely good. It was the best. So… is GQ seeing anyone?”

Snow clued in fast and Lucas didn’t have to ask why. Ian had been cooking that Greek soup for them long before he opened his own restaurant. His friend growled, actually growled, as he stalked to the cop and clapped his hand on his shoulder. “So Holly,” Snow drew the name out. “We’re gonna have us a little chat about GQ as I walk you and your fucking germs out of my hospital.”

Lucas chuckled, winced, then frowned when he realized he had to wait for the scan and he just wanted to go home. Or better yet, find Andrei then go home.

He had barely enjoyed a moment of peace when Rowe stepped into the room, a scowl deeply etched into the man’s face. Shutting the door carefully behind him, Rowe leaned against the wall with his hands shoved into the pockets of his worn jeans, glaring at Lucas as he continued to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Just save it,” Lucas muttered with a tired wave of his right hand. “I’ve already been ripped up by both Snow and Banner. I don’t need the same speech from you.”

“I’m still tempted,” Rowe grumbled. “A little repetition might finally drive the notion of safety into that thick skull of yours.” Rowe looked down at the floor, shaking his head. “What the hell is wrong with you? Have you gotten so damned cocky that you think your money is going to keep you safe?”


“Then what? My God, you used to be smarter than this. You watched all our fucking backs in Afghanistan. Nothing got by you.” Rowe pushed away from the wall, clapping his hand on Lucas’s shoulder. “And now this? A bunch of stupid thugs have sent you to the hospital twice now.”

“I got sloppy. Underestimated them.” Lucas knew the self-disgust was obvious in his tone. He was better than this, but ducking for cover and watching his back, that was more than ten years ago. A lifetime. For too long the only knife aimed at his back was a metaphorical one wielded by a rival investor. Physical attacks were almost a forgotten thing in his world.

Lucas shook his head before lifting his eyes to meet Rowe’s worried gaze. “It won’t happen again, I swear. I know what I’m doing now. Hadeon and I can handle it.”

“No, not anymore.”

“What?” Lucas’s heart seemed to stop in his chest as Rowe’s calm demeanor started to sink in. It was suddenly hard to draw a deep breath and the world seemed to swim away from him on a wave.

“Andrei’s done. I fired him.”


“He let you get hurt. He’s supposed to be fucking protecting you! But you’re in his care for twenty-four hours —twenty-four fucking hours — and you’re back in the hospital.”

“It’s not his fault!”

“Of course it’s his fault!” Rowe paced away to the far side of the room, skirting a chair and some equipment, and then back to Lucas. “He should never have let you near Price Hill, and certainly not at night. What the hell, man! He’s lucky I don’t file charges for reckless endangerment.”


