Shift of Morals – Kingdom of Wolves Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 62782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 314(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

Watch me, asshole.

“I’ll find who’s been doing this,” I vow, my dark promise shuddering through the bond violent enough to wake the other packmates.

Because I have to.

Remy’s safety is at stake.

“I want to find this monster too,” Jax agrees. “We’re not used to this sort of thing in this town. It’s evil and sick. I want the person brought to justice every bit as much as you do.”

Brought to justice?


I will kill the person or thing responsible. I’m not waiting for a trial or an arrest. Fuck that. When I find the killer, I will take great satisfaction in cutting their throat and leaving them in the goddamn woods for the maggots to eat.

There are no new animals that have migrated into the area from what I can tell. I’ve tried to scent them, canvassed trails and campgrounds, and even asked around to both locals who live in the woods and those just passing by. Nothing aside from the occasional bear or coyote or cougar. And though those can be lethal, it still doesn’t explain the sexual assault on almost all of these victims.

Just like back then.

The reminder of the past is a punch to the gut. I’d been so focused on Remy’s destroyed neck I didn’t notice anything else. Keeping him alive was a priority. It was Rey who came to me later to tell me about the rest. The bruises to his hips. The tears to his…

A shudder of disgust ripples through me.

Remy couldn’t tell us what happened back then. It wasn’t until years later he’d vaguely mentioned the monster trying to fuck him. He was so goddamn small. A child. If I ever get my hands on this sadistic piece of shit, I will dismember it with my teeth.

My thoughts are dark and in a bad place when Remy shows up at the cabin with Ewan. They’d stayed late with Harrison working whereas I came straight home after a full day of investigation. The rest of my pack is in the kitchen arguing over something unimportant while Rey finishes up dinner. Finnick’s laughter doesn’t grate on my nerves like it did when he’d said those fucked-up things about Remy. He can meet my eyes again. It’s clear he knows what he did and wants my good favor once more. While I’m pissed at him, I don’t hate him. He knows where he stands with me right now. Walking a very fine line.

Voices fill the living room as Ewan and Remy enter the cabin. I stalk out of my bedroom toward the sound of their voices, needing to see that Remy is in one piece. It’s maddening to worry about him so much. Lately, it’s all I do. I can’t think of much else.

Only him.

Safe in his room, sprawled out on his bed with his books scattered about him, absently scribbling into one of his journals.

But when I round the corner, all peace-filled thoughts come crashing down to my feet. Beside Remy is Cash. His arm is in a sling like Jax mentioned, but the fucker doesn’t seem put out. If anything, Cash is wearing an arrogant grin as he saunters into my home like he belongs here.

Ewan cuts me off at the pass, a hand held up in silent pleading for me to keep my calm. My hands fist at my side as overwhelming hatred rolls through me, dark and vehement.

Stop, Remy signs, his expression fierce and guarded.

My hands move fast and with sharp jerks. Why is he here?

I invited him. As a peace offering. You nearly tore his arm off, Cy.

Cash’s lips quirk on one side as he watches us have a silent argument that he doesn’t understand. He must feel Remy’s attitude because he’s fucking smug about it. I want to throttle that damn kid.

“Leave,” I bite out, my eyes cutting Cash in two with a wrathful glare.

Remy’s spine straightens, and he steps closer to Cash as though to protect him. His hands move slowly as his brown eyes pin me. He’s staying or I’m leaving. Those are your options. I’m tired of being treated like an inmate.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to shout at Cash to leave again, but the determination filtering through the bond from Remy informs me I won’t win this battle. He’ll leave. The last thing I want is Remy out of my sight. At least inside my home, they can’t tongue each other.

“Door to that bedroom stays open,” I snarl, my eyes clashing with Cash’s. “You’re both to stay inside.”

Remy’s happiness is sudden and overwhelming. The bond almost glows with his pleasure. If it were anything other than Cash Easton responsible for his giddiness, I’d be hellbent on trying to give Remy more of what pleases him.

Thank you, Cy. He signs the words with a smile on his face that cuts through me like a hot blade. All I ever wanted was a friend.


