Sheriff Daddy – Yes Daddy Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27306 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

If he touches a single strand of hair on her head, I will end him. I turn on the siren and run the only two red lights in this town.

Time stands still as I sprint to the house. There are no cars in the driveway, and I fear he might have taken her somewhere. I don’t want a manhunt on my hands. Please let her be inside.

The neighborhood is eerily silent as I creep behind the bushes and pull my revolver from its holster. I step onto the front porch and listen for any sounds from inside the house, but it’s silent inside.

I step through the door and peer into the vacant living room. The dining room and kitchen are also abandoned, but there’s a stack of restaurant takeout containers on the table. I peer into Nana’s room and see the old woman sound asleep in her bed.

“Upstairs,” I whisper to myself and begin my climb to the second floor.

The air is stiff and silent, but the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I know I’m going to find something on the other side of Lori’s door.

My mind races with countless horrible possibilities. I take the knob in my hand and grip it tightly. Taking a long, deep breath, I throw open the door to find Lori lying on her bed. She’s pale and looking lifeless, so I rush to her and check for a pulse. She’s breathing and her heart rate is strong. Thank god.

I see no signs of injury. He must have drugged her and carried her upstairs. The thought of him having her in his arms stabs me like a knife in my side. The fact that she’s still clothed is both a relief and a warning. I’ve interrupted him. He has to still be in this house somewhere.

I turn to leave the room. I have to find him and apprehend him before he slips through my fingers again. As I approach the bedroom door, it slams in my face. Michael, who has been hiding behind the door, leaps out at me.

He has a long, sharp blade in his hand and is cutting and slashing the air between us. I grab his arm and bend it behind his back until it snaps and the knife falls to the floor.

Michael cries out in pain, but I have no sympathy. I throw him into the wall and catch him when he bounces back off. I’ve lost all memory of the cop inside me. Right now, I’m an enraged man who will fight to the death for my woman. I don’t care about the consequences. I have to eliminate and eradicate this threat.

Unrelenting, Michael attempts to throw a punch, but I catch his fist in my larger, more capable left hand and hold it while I unleash a battery of rights onto his face.

His nose breaks and blood gushes down his face and onto his shirt. I see the ruby red flood and grin. I want him to feel pain. I want him to suffer at my hand.

His legs weaken, and I have to hold him up to continue my assault. I beat his face and body until he moves like he’s made of rubber. Images of Lori flash inside my head as my assault continues. She’s so innocent, so small, so helpless.

It’s my job to keep her safe. I’m her protector.

“That’s my girl!” I shout. “I’ll kill you for this, fucker!”

“Luke? Luke, I’m okay. I don’t think he did anything to me.” I hear Lori call out from her bed. “Luke, please. If you don’t stop, you’re going to kill him.”

I turn around and see her sweet, innocent face looking back at me in horror. It’s only now that I realize I’m covered in this man’s blood. My girl doesn’t need to see this side of me. She should never have to be scared of anything. Especially not me.

“It’s okay, baby girl,” I say as I drop Michael’s limp body on the floor. He looks like a crippled dog lying in a pool of his own blood and groaning in pain.

I radio for backup and medical for the broken man and wait for them to arrive. I rush back to Lori and take her in my arms. She’s woozy but otherwise seems alright.

“What happened? How did he get in here?”

“It was all my fault, Luke. I let him in. I’m just so stupid. Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know who he was or what he was planning to do. I don’t even want to think about what might have happened if you didn’t get here when you did. You saved me. I can’t explain it, but somehow I knew you would. How did you figure out it was him?”

“You don’t have to think about it, baby girl. You never have to think about it again. I’m not mad at you. I’m just happy you’re safe now.”


