Shadow – Ghost Born MC Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 39046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 195(@200wpm)___ 156(@250wpm)___ 130(@300wpm)

I dipped my chin. “I’ll do my best,” I promised him. It was the least I could do for the man who’d had Malik’s back in prison.



“Man, fuck you,” Malik growled at Malachi, making me lift my head from where I’d been staring at my laptop. The two of them had taken to playing on Malachi’s gaming system to pass the time while I was eyeballs deep in planting viruses in Savage Dream MC’s security company, Safe Dreams. It wasn’t something that could be done quickly, which meant I’d been sitting here for a while, carefully planting a little virus here and a little virus there, which would eventually cause their entire system to fail. And planting little viruses like this would keep them from tracing it back to me.

“It’s every man for themselves,” Malachi retorted.

Malik scowled at him as Malachi worked to revive his character. “It’s a goddamn team game, Malachi.”

I let Malik out of his sling for a little while after he’d given me his word he’d take it easy on his shoulder. And he was. He was leaned back in the computer chair he was sitting in, and he hadn’t moved his arm all that much. Until the doctor gave the all clear for him to try to resume daily activities, I was keeping Malik and his arm on a tight leash. The last thing I wanted him to do was further injure himself more and set himself back in his recovery.

“Then play like we’re a team, Malik,” Malachi retorted. I didn’t know if he was being sarcastic or not, and the frown Malik was aiming his way told me he wasn’t sure either. That was the thing with Malachi. Sometimes, none of us knew whether he was being serious or not. Some injury or another had scrambled his brain a bit; honestly, I didn’t care enough to know what’d actually happened to him.

So long as I could rely on him to have Malik’s back, that was good enough for me.

I focused back on my computer as the sound of gunfire ricocheted throughout the room from the TV. The noise was grating on my nerves, but I wasn’t keen on being too far away from Malik. When Malachi started shouting at someone on their team, I ground my teeth together so hard, it was audible enough that Malik looked away from the TV to shoot me a questioning glance.

And his character promptly died.

“Oh, are you fucking kidding me,” Malachi growled. “How are you down again?”

“Got distracted,” Malik muttered, focusing back on the television screen.

I snorted. Yeah, he’d gotten distracted alright.

“Here,” Hyram said, setting a mug of coffee and a set of earplugs in front of me. “The more Malachi gets into that game, the louder he’s going to get.”

“Thanks,” I grumbled, opening the fresh pack of earplugs. I stuffed them into my ears. They didn’t silence everything, which was good since I still wanted to be aware of what was going on around me, but they muffled it all enough that I could finally fucking focus again.

After taking a sip of the coffee Hyram had given me, my eyes widened a little in surprise. There was definitely alcohol in it—tasted like Baileys. Hyram grinned at me from where he’d dropped into a seat at the table I was occupying.

“You’re a God-send,” I told him, lifting the coffee mug in his direction.

He snickered. “Listening to those two go back and forth will drive anyone to drink.”

Malik lifted his good arm, giving Hyram a stiff middle finger before he quickly dropped it back to his controller, getting back into the game again. I hunched back over my laptop, getting back to work. If I could stay focused, I could probably get this done by dinner time.

“Done,” I announced just as Nolan and Chet walked through the door with pizzas. William, who’d been silently reading a book for the past hour, looked up as the scent of pizza wafted through the room.

At my words, Malik instantly forgot about the game they were still playing, and he smirked. “It’s done?”

I nodded. “Yeah, baby. In about forty-eight hours, their entire security system will crumble, and it’ll affect everyone who does business with them.” I yawned and stretched. My damn back was stiff, and my ass hurt from sitting so long.

“It’s weird how turned on I am right now that you’re a fucking geek,” Malik said, ignoring Malachi, who was currently bitching at him for giving up the game.

I smirked. “Yeah?” I rasped, my cock thickening. Didn’t take much to turn me on where Malik was concerned, and when he was open about wanting me? Fuck, that was even hotter. I liked toying with him and working for it, but there was something about him giving in to me so easily that fucking drove me wild.


