Sexual Appetites of Vampires (Sexual Appetites of Unearthly Creatures #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Sexual Appetites of Unearthly Creatures Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 47359 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 237(@200wpm)___ 189(@250wpm)___ 158(@300wpm)

Her whole body quivered with contentment as he withdrew his fangs slowly, and then licked gently at her neck.

“Lara?” he said with concern when his eyes met hers.

Why did he look so fuzzy to her and why was his eyes scrunched with worry?

“Lara, talk to me.”

He was growing hazier, and she lightheaded, but she didn’t care since her body was still rippling with tiny orgasmic sparks.

“Damn it, Lara, talk to me,” he urged.

She tried to, though found it difficult.

Michael muttered a curse, which surprised her since she had never heard him swear, he seemed too much a gentleman to do that. Her gallant warrior of old, she thought.

A cold cloth to her face brought a gasp to her lips and had her body jumping.

“Lie still,” he ordered his voice rank with worry.

She did as he said, enjoying the feel of the cold wet cloth caressing her face. It took a few moments to regain her senses and when she finally did, she said with a weak smile, “Wow, orgasms so unbelievably fantastic that I almost fainted.”

He shook his head. “I knew I should have stopped after your first orgasm, but I felt your second one coming and I wanted it —”

“Beyond mind-blowing,” she finished, her smile growing. “You are the best, most unselfish lover.”

“You almost fainted,” he reminded her. “And as your future husband, I’m warning you, don’t dare do that again. You frightened the hell out of me.”

Her grin grew wider. “I don’t know which startled me more. That you just proposed to me or that I actually frightened a vampire.”

His eyes glowed red and his fangs appeared.

Lara patted his cheek, “Darling, that doesn’t frighten me anymore. It just makes me hotter for you.”

He laughed, his face returning to normal and patted her face with the wet cloth again. “You’re insatiable.”

“Good, then we match.” Her smile faded some.

“A troubling thought?” he asked.

“I love you very much, Michael, all of you. And I would give my life for you if necessary.”

“No, I forbid it. Never say that again,” he ordered.

“But you would do it for me.”

“I can’t die as easily as you can. You will never put yourself in harm’s way for me,” he said sternly.

“I won’t debate that with you now.” She held up her hand when he went to argue. “What I wanted to say was that I don’t think I want to become a vampire, at least not yet. I like food too much.”

He scooped her up into his lap. “I don’t expect you to become like me. The choice is there if you want it, but it will always be your choice.”

She ran a finger over his perfectly sculpted cheekbone, “Though I don’t want to grow old too fast, so I guess we’ll have to make lots of babies.”

“I always hoped for a large family.”

“Being an only child, it’s always been a dream of mine.”

“Sweetheart, I’m going to make all your dreams come true.”

She smiled and whispered across his lips, “You already have.”



