Seen by Larabee – Sight Unseen Auctions Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 53
Estimated words: 47626 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 238(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

“Please.” I need all the advice I can get.

“Remind yourself that if your head is not in it, you won’t come home to your family. To the love of your life. Make smarter, less reckless choices. The end game is to get home, LB.” Truer words have never been spoken.

“Thanks man.” He pats me on the back before walking away. Damn. Now, I am going to get my woman.



Iam a nervous wreck. Larabee has been away from me for ten minutes and already I can feel the panic building. “Sweetie, you really should calm down. I promise he is going to be okay,” Aurora says, passing me some tea. I try to smile at her and nod my head, but I know I fail. The only thing keeping me from breaking down, is the fact that Star is in my arms, playing with my hair, babbling on and on like a cute little chatterbox.

Looking at Aurora, knowing what I know about her and the organization, I am so impressed by how calm she is. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course,” she says, leaning against the counter, rubbing her belly.

“How do you do it?” Star is starting to get fussy, so I bounce her on my hip.

“Do what? Take care of a busy toddler while pregnant? Kill people while pregnant? Or all of the above?” She is giggling which makes me giggle too.

“Well, both. How do you not lose your mind?” She looks at me and cocks her head like she is really thinking before she answers me.

“Well, I don’t try to do it alone. I fully admit I would be crazy to try to do it by myself, so I rely on those I love. When I can't be where my husband is and vice versa. On the flip side, when I am so emotional and don’t want to leave her, I delegate and trust my people to do the right thing. It really does take a village.” Wow. She is like a superhero.

“Do you want one of these?” She asks, taking a now nodding off Star out of my hands. By the amount of emptiness that my arms feel now, I nod my head.

“I do. I just, I just don’t want to do it alone, you know?” She looks at me confused and before I can clarify, I hear the one voice who can take away all doubt.

“Do what alone, Piccola?” Spinning around like a spin top, I jump off the stool and launch myself into his arms, bursting into tears.

“Oh man. I was so scared.” I tell him, falling apart in his arms. Shushing me, he lifts me so my legs can wrap around his waist. I bury my face in his neck and take a deep breath hoping his scent calms me.

“Baby, please stop crying. I can’t take it. You are making me want to pull my hair out because I can’t fix it. Please angel, have mercy on me,” he begs, kissing me all over my face. Lifting my head, I chase his mouth, needing him with an urgency we can do nothing about right now, but a kiss would tune me back in.

“I’m s-sorry. I just…I’m just so happy to see you,” I say, hiccupping in his ear.

“I said it would be okay, angel. It would take Satan himself to take me from you now that I have had you. Do you trust me?” I nod my head and look into his anguished eyes. It is touching how much pain my pain is causing him and it makes me calm down faster because I don’t want him to be concerned. I kiss him once more, before putting my feet down.

“Can we go now?” I ask, putting my head on his chest.

“Soon, baby, I promise. First, I need to take you to see your cousin and Giulia.” I jerk back, shocked by his words.

“Giulia’s here?” My heart begins to race at the mere mention of her being here. Logically I know I am not in danger from her, but her presence is unsettling.

“Yes,” he says, kissing the side of my head. “She would like to meet you as well.”

“Why?” He chuckles and grabs my hand, leading me to the room he disappeared into when we first got here.

“I broke orders for you, Piccola. I broke them knowing the possible consequences because I needed you so much. She just wants to meet the woman who was worth it.” I know it makes sense, but that doesn't make it any less nerve-wrecking.

We walk up to the door and before I can have any more doubts, he is opening the door. “Ah. There you are.” Giulia says, standing in front of the desk. I notice that she too is sporting a baby bump, and it amazes me how these women do it all. “Hello, Satine.” She holds her hand out. “My name is Giulia. It is so nice to meet you.” I shake her hand unsure what to call her.


