Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

The God’s honest truth is that I didn’t give her a lot of thought. I was just high on the idea of being here. All I was thinking about was meeting all these amazing men.

What if Evangeline is really sick?

I’m beginning to think this island has some kind of curse or something.

First Rachel nearly drowns. Then I get hurt in the kitchen this afternoon. And now Evangeline…

I head back toward the kitchen. Marc is gone, but Heather is there grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

“Ariel,” she says when she sees me, “did you hear about Evangeline?”

“Just now. Is she okay?”

Heather takes a sip of water and shrugs. “I don’t know. Sebastian left me to go to her, and I just saw River and Brett go into her suite as well. Where are the other women?”

“Probably still in the hot tub. I was there for a few minutes, but it’s not a lot of fun when all you can do is dangle your toes.” I point to my bandage.

“Crap, the hot tub! I was supposed to meet June there.” She glances at my leg. “You doing okay?”

I nod. “It’s fine. I’ve been hurt a lot worse.” I cock my head. “Why didn’t you go to the hot tub?”

She smiles. “I got waylaid. By Sebastian.”

I feel like a kudzu vine is tangled around my heart. Sebastian and I spent an amazing morning together. He pleasured me in the bathroom after I got hurt… But then he suggested a threesome with Heather. A jolt of jealousy hits me.

Heather, who—with her blue hair and snake tattoo—is nothing like me. She’s illegal moonshine and I’m sweet tea, complete with Tweety Bird on my ass.

We’re not the same. And after the debacle with June and Alex, I’m thinking I’ll say no to a threesome if it’s still on the table.



“Everything okay? You went quiet for a while.”

“I’m just…” I sigh. “I’m worried about Evangeline.”

It’s not technically a lie. I am worried. I hope she’s okay. But that’s not what I was thinking about.

“So you and Sebastian…” I begin.

Heather takes another sip of water. “What about us?”

“Is it…serious?”

She laughs. “I don’t think anyone can be serious after three days.”

My cheeks warm. She doesn’t mean to belittle me, but that’s what it feels like. I pull my shoulders back and stand tall. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just wondering who’s on your radar, if anyone.”

She pauses a moment, takes another sip of water. “It’s hard to say at this point. I don’t think anyone has picked a favorite yet, other than Misty, and even she may have changed her mind. I was sure she would choose River for her date.”

“Yeah, me too.”

Heather closes her eyes. “River… He’s so sexy.”

“He is,” I agree.

She opens her eyes. “A great kisser, too.”

I stop my jaw from dropping. Has Heather been with River?

Another jolt of jealousy hits me, and this time it’s in my gut, like a clump of hot grits chewing through my belly.

I’m getting all bent out of shape when I’ve been with all the men except River. He hasn’t given me a look so far.

I need to get a grip.

So I make a decision.

No threesome with Sebastian and Heather.

No more threesomes, period.

I deserve all of a man’s attention.

I’ve gotten alone time with Brett, Alex, and Sebastian.

Tomorrow…I’m going after River.

Heather tilts her head, a small furrow forming on her forehead.

“What?” I ask.

“You just haven’t said anything. Again. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I shake my head to clear it. I’m not sure why Heather is volunteering information about the men she’s been with. “I’m fine. June and Misty are probably still in the tub. We should tell them what’s going on with Evangeline. And Emily… She said she had some personal stuff to do. I’ll go to her suite and find her. You tell the others.”

“Sounds good.” Heather downs the last of her water and leaves the kitchen through the French doors.

I watch as she walks toward the pool house.

Then I head toward the stairs when someone calls my name.




Twenty years earlier…

The moon shines bright in the Montana sky. Living on a ranch, I’m used to early mornings, but this is early even for me. I couldn’t risk making any noise in the kitchen for fear Mom or Uncle Bobby might hear me, so I went without coffee.

Not a problem. Adrenaline will keep us all awake this morning.

Leaving Ernie felt all kinds of wrong. He goes everywhere with me, and he’s a damned good dog, but what if he barked at an inopportune time?

He had to stay, and he wasn’t happy. I can still hear his whimpers as I left him in the house behind the locked door.

Now I’m standing with Brett at our agreed-upon meeting place, near the edge of the Larson property.


