Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

And he paid dearly for it.

“You got that, River?”

Desi’s voice. Shit. “Sorry. What?”

“It’s time to prep the chicken,” Desi says. “This is a fresh chicken. I’ll cut it into pieces.”

June beams at me. “You should do that, River. You have such strong arms.”

Desi laughs. “I could teach you, but it will take you a lot longer. Observe.” Desi wields a shiny meat cleaver, and within seconds—seriously—the chicken is in pieces on the silicone cutting board.

June’s eyes nearly pop out of her head. “I’m not even sure I saw your hands move.”

“Told you this is my specialty. Do you know how many chickens I prep per day at my restaurant in Montego Bay?”

“Couldn’t guess,” I say dryly.

But Desi has moved on. “We use the pieces with the bone in and skin on.”

June gasps. “Chicken skin? I haven’t eaten chicken skin in… Well, as a model, I have to steer clear of fat.”

“Pretty lady, the skin is full of nutrients. It’s similar to offal.”

“It’s awful?” June asks.

“Offal. O F F A L. It refers to the internal organs of an animal.”

June wrinkles her nose. “Yuck!”

“People tend to forget that skin is an organ. It’s not technically offal, but it shares many characteristics, such as plenty of zinc, phosphorous, and Vitamin E. Besides, the colonel can’t be wrong, can he?”

June laughs, but frankly, I don’t think Desi is as funny as he thinks he is.

“River,” he says, “I need you to rinse the chicken pieces under cold water, and you, June, give our marinade another good whisk.”

Right. The marinade. I wasn’t paying attention during that part. I simply nod, move the chicken pieces to the sink, and turn on the cold water. I grab the spray arm and⁠—

“Ah, shit!” Water drenches my shirt.

June walks briskly to me. “What happened?”

“I pressed the spray button too soon.”

“No problem.” She gives me a wink. “Just take off your shirt. In fact, maybe I’ll take mine off as well.”

I turn to her and meet her gaze. She really is trying to get me to participate. She’s a sparkling light in this kitchen…and I’m a brooding cloud. “You keep that little outfit on. You’re bright as a sunny day. It suits you.”

She parts her lips, as if she’s amazed I’ve given her a compliment.

I really need to get over myself.

“Here, let me help,” she says.

I grab a towel to dry off my hands while June pulls my shirt over my head.

“There.” She tosses my shirt over the back of a chair. “Now you can get as wet as you want.”

I can’t help a smile. I should go get a dry shirt. It’s probably not the most sanitary thing to be cooking half naked, but Desi doesn’t seem to think anything of it, so what the hell?

One quick gaze at Emily, though, and I know she’s not a fan.

So be it. June is my partner today, and I’m done spoiling her fun. Once the chicken is all rinsed, we return to Desi.

“I see there’s a party going on already,” he says. “Should I lose my shirt too?”

“Not the worst idea I’ve heard.” June smiles.

“Afraid I have to stay clothed.” He lets out a chuckle. “Now let’s get this marinade on the chicken.” He grabs a thigh and a sharp knife. “Watch me. I’m going to make some shallow cuts on this piece so the marinade can really penetrate. You two do the rest of the pieces.”

June and I score the remaining chicken pieces, and then Desi shows us how to rub the jerk marinade over all of them, making sure to get under the skin.

June and I get a rhythm going, and once we’ve rubbed all the pieces with the jerk marinade, Desi gives us his seal of approval. “Excellent job. A member of my staff has the charcoal grill set up outside, and he’ll do the actual cooking.”

“How come we can’t do it?” June asks.

“We have to start working on the lobster, Miss June.”

June nods and then turns to me. “Are you having fun? Because I sure am. I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy this, but I’m pleasantly surprised.”

“It’s actually okay,” I tell her. “Sorry I was such a buzzkill at first.”

“Hey, it’s been a weird few days. We’ve all been a little on edge.”

I’ve been on edge more than most, but no need to voice that. “Thanks for putting up with me.” I smile.

“Do you think we’ll win?” she asks.

“I’d say we have as much a chance as anyone. Maybe even more. I mean, we’re making lobster.”

June winks. “I sure hope we win, because I already know who I’m choosing for my private date.”




What am I going to do?

Damn Misty, anyway.

I said I’d help her sabotage the others, but I didn’t say how. I certainly won’t let any harm come to anyone—but by the way Misty’s looking at me expectantly, I can tell she’s out for blood.


