Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

“It’s actually very simple to make,” Katie replies, returning my smile with a “thank you” look in her eyes. “These are the greens.” She holds up a stalk with bright green leaves. “We have to wash them thoroughly and then separate them from the tougher stem. Some chefs like to chop up the stalks and use them, but I find them a little bitter, so I leave them out.” She hands me a bunch of greens. “Hold these under cool water and make sure all the dirt goes down the drain.”

I take the greens and rinse them while Katie puts Misty to work chopping garlic.

“When you’re done, Emily,” Katie says, “chop the greens into bite-sized pieces. Then I need you to dice this tomato.”

“Absolutely.” I’m not much of a cook, but I can handle rinsing greens and chopping a tomato. In fact, this wasn’t such a bad idea on Evangeline’s part. It’s keeping our minds off Rachel and Ginger and what happened yesterday. Even Sienna and whether she’ll return is a distant question now that I have something to do.

Once the greens are clean and chopped, I set them down and take the plump tomato Katie gave me. I stand next to Misty, who has moved from the garlic to an onion.

Katie has disappeared for a moment, and Misty leans toward me. “How the hell are we going to win this thing with greens? Who wants to eat this shit?”

Before I can answer, Katie returns with two sky-blue drinks. “I thought a cocktail might be fun while we cook. This is a specialty of mine. I call it an Island Mirage.”

“That’s sweet of you,” I say. “What a gorgeous blue color.” I take a sip. “Delicious, too.”

“I’m glad you like it.” She looks over our work. “Good job, both of you. We’re going to sauté the aromatics now in some avocado oil over medium heat. I’ve got the pan ready. Misty, go ahead and add the garlic and onion.”

Misty heads toward the stove, but not before whispering in my ear. “I don’t think Heather wants River. She seems too flashy for him. She seems to be having a great time with Alex.”

“For the love of the saints, Misty, who cares?”

“I do. We’re going to win, Emily. And we can’t win with boring greens. Which means we have to make sure the other teams fail.”

I glance at Misty’s Island Mirage sitting on the counter. It’s still full. Odd. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was on the sauce. She’s gone a bit loopy. “Lighten up, Misty. This is supposed to be fun.”

“Of course it is, which is why we have to win. Winning is fun.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t you have onions and peppers to sauté?”

She scoffs. “I’m serious. We’re winning this thing.”

I shrug. “Go for it. Give it your best shot.”

What do I care? If we win, then I get to choose who I’d like to spend tomorrow evening with. And wouldn’t it just get Misty’s goat if I chose River?

The thought of spending a whole evening with him sends a quiver straight between my legs. We don’t actually know much about each other. All we’ve really done is fuck like rabbits. What’s his favorite color? What are his hobbies? What kind of literature does he like?

“I need your cooperation,” Misty continues. “We’re a team, Emily. And my team always wins.”

The delicious quiver morphs into a shiver up my spine at her words. I get that eerie threatening feeling again, and I don’t like it.

Clearly Misty doesn’t like to lose, which means she won’t give River up without one hell of a fight.

Good thing I know how to fight.

“Misty,” Katie calls from the burner, “the oil is heated and ready for the aromatics.”

“Just a minute.” Misty turns toward the table where Evangeline is sitting. “Evie, what happens if both people on the winning team want a private date with the same person?”




I have to stop my jaw from dropping at Misty’s question.

Evangeline doesn’t reply, so Misty asks again, of course.

“Hello, Evie?” Misty stomps her foot. “What happens if both people on the winning team want a private date with the same person?”

Evangeline glances at Misty, annoyance obvious on her tired-looking face. “You and Emily are the only team consisting of two women, so if you win the cook-off and you both choose the same man for your date, I’ll allow it. One of you will just have to wait a night.”

Misty harrumphs and turns back to whatever she’s cooking on the stove.

I’m feeling a little embarrassed around Sebastian after our fuckfest this morning. He didn’t seem to mind, though. In fact, he sauntered toward me when Evangeline said we were paired up and whispered in my ear, “Maybe we’ll be making strawberries and cream.”

Far from it.

We’re making a hot pepper shrimp appetizer with a jerk coleslaw garnish—about as different from strawberries and cream as we could get.


