Secret Love Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 32770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 109(@300wpm)

“Dunc, this situation is so wild. I don’t blame you for having all sorts of negative feelings, but let’s not fight. It’s been you and me against the world since you were a baby, and I know I haven’t been the best parent to you. What do I know about being a dad, right? But I wouldn’t give up a day with you for anyone. For anyone, do you hear me?”

I hear what he’s saying. What he can’t put into words. I don’t want him to say it out loud either because I understand what Van’s going through. He’s displaced just like me. I ease back and nod. “Fine but just know this. Sadie’s not related to me.”

Coop makes a face. “I don’t know why you keep saying that, and I don’t want to know, but I will say this one thing. Don’t make Fischl unhappy. I can’t bear that.”

If he had said it would have pissed him off or he’d be after my ass, I might have gotten mad again, but when he sighed like he was half broken-hearted, I let the last of my anger go. “I don’t plan on making anyone unhappy.”

“Great. We’re on the same page.” Under his breath, I hear him mutter something about Van. That’s a situation he’s going to have to work out. Van and I are like oil and water, and I know that when he finds out about me and Sadie, there’s going to be fireworks. And probably a little blood.

“Going to my room now.”

He waves me off. One kid down, one kid to go, he’s thinking.

I hoof it up the stairs and do a pre-bed routine, but this time I shave the stubble that’s pebbling my chin. Sadie’s a soft girl with soft skin. I need to watch out for her. I grab some sweats and a hoodie and make my way to her room. She’s a motionless lump under the covers. I toss my clothes to the side, plug my phone in, and climb into bed. She makes a soft sound and rolls toward me. Gently, I push her until she’s lying on her back again, her slinged arm lying across her chest. I slide my arm under her head and draw her close until her side is flush with my front. One soft leg slips between mine, and she turns to rub her cold nose against my biceps.

“Dunc?” she murmurs.

“The one and only.” I stroke a hand down her T-shirt-covered side, careful to avoid touching her arm.

“What time is it?” She tries to turn over, but I keep her still.

“Time to keep sleeping.”

“Why are you here?”

“Where else would I be?”

That silences her, and soon enough, her even breathing signals she’s fallen asleep again.

At first, it’s nice and warm. Her sweet body is barely big enough to make contact with mine. I watch her as she sleeps. Her chest rises and falls in slow motion. Her eyelashes lie like tiny veils against her cheek. I want to lap her up, drink her in from her toes to her forehead. I try not to stare at her lush tits pushing against the thin fabric of her T-shirt, but it’s damned hard. Blood pools in my groin, and the erection I’ve been fighting since dinner hardens into steel. My cock pulses against her side with enough force I ease away so that I don’t wake her.

I’ve never been so hard or in so much pain in my life. The urge to put my hand between us is killing me. I close my eyes and count to ten and then twenty and then one hundred. My body starts to burn. I breathe through my nose and remind myself that she’s injured. Her arm is in a sling. We’re supposed to ease into this. I’ve barely kissed her. She’s not even eighteen yet.

I bite down on my lip until I taste blood. How many days until her birthday? I will spend that time planning out the best damned party she’s ever had. It’ll be the best one I’ve ever had too.



I slowly wake to the feeling of warmth all around me. When I try to move, an arm around me tightens. I open my eyes to see Dunc lying cuddled up next to me. The morning sun is peeking in through the bottom of my curtains. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

I was sure I’d dreamed of him crawling into bed with me. Which isn’t crazy because I’ve dreamt about him many times. A lot more than I’m even willing to admit. He often takes up way too many of my thoughts. He’s a temptation that I want badly to give in to fully, but it scares the hell out of me. But watching Cooper and my mom together makes me want that same kind of love.


