Second Chance Rival Read Online M. Robinson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 64979 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 325(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

I. Was. Fuming.

Pissed beyond belief.

I resisted the urge to scream and run, holding my ground.

“You’re looking at the glass half empty when you should be looking at it half full. It’s not like we’re asking you to marry a complete stranger, Belle.”

“Up until an hour ago, I hadn’t seen Tristian in twenty years. That doesn’t count as a stranger to either of you?”


My stare connected with Tristian’s.

“He has a term of endearment for you, Belle. That doesn’t seem very unfamiliar to us, now does it?”

“You both are being unreasonable.”

“If you ask us, we’re doing you both a favor.”

“A favor?” I exclaimed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Quite the contrary, Miss Montgomery. We’re as serious as a heart attack. I see what the press calls you—a workaholic, a woman who is all business and no play. Is that the kind of life you want to continue leading? No husband? No children? You want your grandfather to leave you his legacy with the possibility of no heir? Come on, Belle. You’re smarter than that.”

“This isn’t fair.”

“Life isn’t fair. It’s not like my grandson isn’t quite the catch. You couldn’t ask for a better partner. He’s wealthy, successful, determin—”

“He’s also controlling, demanding, and not to mention, a complete asshole half the time.”

“And those are only some of my best qualities, kitten.”

I was at the tipping point of exploding. It wasn’t until Mr. Hawkins asked, “I mean, there once was a time when you were in love with my grandson, isn’t that right?”

However, before I could snap, Tristian did it for me.


“That’s none of your goddamn business,” I declared, loud and fucking clear.

“You see…” Grandfather grinned, proving the point he wanted to make. “You’re not even married yet and he’s already defending your honor.”


She interrupted me. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? Wow. This ambush is off to a great start. Can’t wait to see what our marriage looks like.”

“At least it has you thinking about our marriage.”

“Let’s get one thing straight, Tristian. If I agree to this, it’s only because they’re giving us no other choice. Do you understand me?”

Her defiance made my cock twitch which was a nice change of pace from the women I was used to who couldn’t turn me on.

“Noted,” I replied, only pissing her off further.

“We’re doing what’s best for our futures, and eventually, we know you’ll understand and thank us for it. Now let’s get down to business. The wedding will be front page news, it will be reported in the media, through online sources, and the news stations. It’ll be the wedding of the century. The talk of the town.”

“We don’t need to get married to be the talk of the town, Grandfather. In fact, it’d be nice for the town to talk about us less.”

He paid her no mind. “We’ll have reporters at the wedding and the first exclusive photos of the two of you married will go to the highest bidder.”

“How romantic,” she remarked in a snarky tone. “Nothing says forever like staged photos.”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t entertained by her feistiness.

“The press is going to have a field day with this news, and it’ll only get worse as time goes on. We’ll need to announce the merger first. The exposure from that and then your nuptials will light the fire we want under our competitors asses. It sets the tone for the future of our companies.”

“And then once you’re married,” Grandfather informed. “You can start trying for our bloodline heir.”

“When you say trying, what exactly do you mean by that?”

They looked at her confused.

“Don’t misunderstand what I’m asking. I know how babies are made, but you’re not insinuating we need to make them like that, right?”

“How else would you have a child?”

“Artificial insemination is one way.”

“No,” I firmly stated.

Our eyes locked.

“Excuse me?”

“We’re going to have to agree with Tristian. You don’t need the help of modern medicine, Belle. At least not at the beginning. If you’re not pregnant within a year, we can circle back—”

“I understand why they’re saying no.” She pointed at me. “But why are you?”

“That’s a private conversation.”

She scoffed out, “Private conversation? I think we left out privacy the second we walked into this conference room.”

“I’m not discussing our sex life—”

“Or lack of.”


“If you call me that one more time, I’m jumping over this table and clawing your eyes out.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Her sass was always amusing to me. It was actually one of my favorite things about her.

“However you two want to produce an heir is in your hands.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God.” Her reprieve didn’t last long.

There wasn’t a chance in hell I’d get her to agree to make a baby with me naturally, so I did what I did best.

I bargained, “I’ll give you fifty-one percent of one of the companies if you make a baby with me the good old fashion way.”


