Say My Name (Gods of Saint Pierce #1) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Gods of Saint Pierce Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102184 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 511(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“Of course.” I know Roman would do anything for my sister. We’re all practically family, and Greer is like a little sister to him as well.

The doctor stares at me. “I take it you're the brother she keeps mentioning?”

I fold my arms across my chest, giving him all of my attention. “How is she?”

“She’s pretty banged up, but she’ll be fine after some much-needed rest.”

The doctor walks out of the room, and Ledger and I exchange a glance.

“What do the police think?” Ledger asks.

Roman shrugs. “They haven’t been here yet. When I came out of the building with Greer, there was an ambulance nearby and we were brought here. No one has questioned her yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.”

Greer rolls her eyes. “I just want to forget this ever happened.”

I turn my attention to her. “Whenever you’re ready, you can answer questions.”

Two cops enter the room, and my eyes lock with Guy’s. Great.

“Can we ask you a few questions?” Peters, Guy’s partner, asks Greer.

Greer appears exhausted, and I don’t like the idea of her being questioned right now. She should be getting rest. “I can answer a few, but I really didn’t see anything.”

Guy pulls out a notepad. “Nothing suspicious when you arrived at work?”


The officers exchange a glance.

“Can we speak to her alone?” Guy asks, looking directly at me.

I cross my arms over my chest. “No.” I don’t even bother explaining myself.

Guy rolls his eyes and returns his attention back to Greer. “Anyone not at work today who normally is? Or did someone leave right before?”

Greer ponders his questions for a minute. “No, I don’t think so. I’d have to check with the office to see if anyone called out.”

After a few more questions, they finally leave when it’s apparent Greer doesn’t have any useful information.

A nurse enters the room, and checks Greer’s vitals. “You all can stay a few more minutes, but then Greer needs her rest,” the nurse says before leaving.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Roman assures Greer. “I’ll be right outside your room if they won’t let me stay in here.”

“They’ll let you stay,” I tell Roman. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Roman nods at me. “Any ideas on who did this?”

“It was obviously someone in the Ivanov family.”

“You think they’re trying to send a message?” Roman asks.

“I do,” I tell him. “It’s obvious these guys want the case to go away.”

“That’ll never happen,” Greer says. “We’ve been receiving threatening letters saying they want us to throw the case. To make sure Mikhail will get off scot-free.”

“Obviously, he’s guilty,” Roman says. “If they’re trying this hard.”

Greer nods. “My thoughts exactly. We have an iron-clad case. There’s no way this guy will get off.”

“Do you think this might have something to do with the Greedy Girl murders?” Ledger asks, trying to connect the dots.

Greer frowns. “I don’t know anymore.”

I reach for my sister’s hand. “You don’t need to worry about it. Just rest and get better.” I glance over at Roman and Ledger. “Maybe we need to pay Yuri another visit to figure out what’s going on.”

They both nod. “And maybe you should stay with me at my place.”

Greer laughs, which turns into a coughing fit. “With you and Chloe? No, thank you.”

“I don’t like you staying home alone anymore.”

Roman steps closer. “She can stay with me.”

“Ok, that’s a good idea,” I say.

“I can take care of myself,” she says.

I glance at the bruises forming on her face. “Clearly, you can’t. Let us help you.”

“Fine.” Greer’s not happy, but I’m not surprised. She’s always wanted to be the one to take care of things for herself.

I lean over to give my sister a kiss on her forehead. “Sleep well. We’ll handle this.” I glance over at Roman when I stand to my full height. “Don’t take your eyes off her.”

Roman nods. “I don’t plan on it.”

I know Greer’s probably rolling her eyes, but I don’t care. I need to keep her safe.

Ledger follows me out of Greer’s hospital room. “To Throwdown?” he asks me once we’ve made it to my car in the lot.

“Yeah, we need to figure out what the fuck is going on. I bet Yuri knows a lot more than he’s letting on.”

Chapter 37


* * *

“This case is getting harder to solve the more time that passes,” Finn leans back in his chair at the coffee shop across town where we met up. “How’s Devereaux?”

“He’s clean.” I hope he doesn’t ask me how I know, because I’m not sure what to tell him.

“You sure?” Finn asks with a raise of his brow.

I know Finn would love an open-and-shut case, because he’s looking for easy. Lock up the club owner and call it a day. But Devereaux has the least to profit if his employees turn up dead.

It’s a ridiculous thought.

“I’m sure.”

Finn leans closer. “We need to explore the inner workings of the club more. Luna is the only one who wasn’t an actual ‘Greedy Girl.’” He uses the air quotes.


