Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Merge the Arsenaults with the Variks. All of you become Variks.”

Philippe’s mouth opened, but not a sound came out. He shut it with a click of his teeth, his cheeks growing flushed. Shoving to his feet, he stepped around Rafe. One hand suddenly clamped over his mouth, his fingers massaging his cheeks, as if he was trying to hold in the first words.

“Remember, I’m not trying to insult you or your clan,” Rafe said. He hadn’t moved from his spot on the floor. His heart fluttered, but he pressed on. “This is about strength and security. The Varik brothers are all nearing their second century. Aiden is well over three centuries.”

“And this isn’t about a belief that I’m not strong enough to be a clan leader?” Philippe’s voice was stiff, making each word sound as if they were bitten off.

“God no,” Rafe whispered in horror. He could feel the blood leave his face. “Philippe, you are tenderness and compassion. You are one of the strongest people I know. Your clan adores you.” Rafe threw his hands out to his sides and looked down at himself, searching for the right words. His knees ached and throbbed as the thin carpet did little to protect him against the hard floor. “For fuck’s sake, you’ve got me on my knees. How many vampires do you think have managed such a feat? The damn Ministry has tried to break me almost from the moment I was reborn. You’ve done it in-in what? Just over a week? That’s not weakness.”

Philippe’s expression softened and the angry flush left his cheeks. “You propose this while suggesting that one of my clan might be murdering other clan members.”

“I didn’t say it was a perfect proposal,” Rafe huffed. His hands flopped at his sides.

Philippe slowly walked over to him. “When I manage to shove my ego aside, I will admit that it is an intriguing proposal.”

“More like a random thought. My brothers and I haven’t even figured out how to be a clan yet. So much would need to be discussed if the Arsenaults joined us.” Rafe looked down at his hands as they opened and closed, as if he were trying to grasp solutions out of thin air.

“You mentioned solving our personal dilemma,” Philippe prodded, his voice barely over a whisper.

Rafe looked up at him. Lifting his hands, he placed them on either side of Philippe’s hips. His blond hair glowed like a halo around his sweet face and questioning eyes. God, he could spend several lifetimes staring up at that face. “We would be one clan. Nothing to come between us any longer.”

Philippe’s bright eyes widened on Rafe as the realization clicked.

“I don’t want this to be a reason why you choose to merge our clans, but it would be a benefit we could enjoy.” Rafe’s fingers dug into Philippe’s hips. “I love you. I don’t know if that means anything to you considering who I am and my past, but I do. I’ve never…never loved anyone before. And I don’t want to lose you. Don’t want to be a secret. Don’t want to live in fear of being parted because our clans don’t agree on something. I want to wake every night with you at my side.”

To his shock, Philippe dropped to his knees in front of Rafe. Both hands cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for the softest, sweetest kiss. “I want that too. Want that so much,” Philippe whispered in a trembling voice between kisses. “I love you, Rafe Varik. Love you just as you are.”

Rafe wrapped his arms around Philippe, pulling him tight as he opened his mouth to deepen the kisses. Nothing had been solved. Not yet, at least. But it all seemed possible now that he knew he’d done something to earn Philippe’s love. Rafe closed his eyes and simply soaked in Philippe’s affection.

The door swung violently open and they broke apart. Rafe’s arms instinctively tightened around Philippe as he twisted to see who had invaded their privacy. Jullien. Of course. He nearly snarled at the other vampire to get out, but he held his tongue.

“What’s wrong?” Philippe demanded, sounding as if he was waking from a wonderful dream.

“Ezra. He’s being chased,” Jullien blurted out.

“What?” Rafe gasped and released his hold on Philippe.

“He believes someone is trying to grab him or kill him. I don’t know. He sounded terrified on the phone.”

Rafe and Philippe pushed to their feet, their bodies bumping into each other as they moved.

“Where is he?” Philippe asked.

“In the new building construction on the north side of town. Not far from Piper’s park.”

Philippe nodded and turned to look at Rafe. “Do you remember the area?”

“Yes, but—” Rafe started but Philippe quickly cut him off.

“I’m going ahead. Jullien will stay here to help protect those in our home. Can you get any of your brothers to meet us there?”


