Save Me (Bad Boys of Music Row #4) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Bad Boys of Music Row Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 52319 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 262(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

Brantley: I need you, little bird. Can you come?

I asked him to reach for a lifeline if he needed it. Is this him doing that? I'm not sure, but the possibility that he's reached the breaking point worries me.

"Bella, I gotta go," I mutter, glancing up at my twin on the computer screen.

"What? Where?"

"I forgot about an appointment," I lie. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

Her face falls into a pout. "Fine. But you better call me."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too."

I quickly end the video feed and then scoop up my cellphone to text Brantley back.

Me: I'm on my way.

Brantley: I'll be waiting.

I grab my stuff and hurry from the room, praying that whatever is going on with him doesn't break us. It feels a little bit like it could. It's felt that way for days. I'm just not sure why.

By the time I reach his office, I'm a bundle of anxiety and raw nerves. I hurry down the hall with my heart in my throat, only to draw to a stop outside his door when I hear him and Daniel inside.

"You're walkin' a razor wire here. You gotta tell her the truth, man," Daniel says. "You know you have to do it."

"I know," Brantley growls. "I plan to tell her. I just wanted to make sure I could fix it first."

"This is a bad idea."

"So you keep saying," Brantley snaps, frustration in his tone. "But it's my money, my choice. I've made it."

"Jesus Christ," Daniel mutters. "There's no talkin' to you sometimes, Brant. You're hellbent on punishing yourself, and no one can talk you out of it."

"This isn't about punishing myself."

"No? You saw them in the parking garage, but you drove off anyway. Now, you feel guilty about it. We both know you're lettin' people say the shit they do because you feel guilty. It's not about protectin' your mom. It's about punishing yourself. Same way the drinkin' was. Same way the fights were. It's what you do, Brant," he says. "You've still got his voice in your head, tellin' you that's what you deserve, so that's what you do. You punish yourself."

I gasp quietly, covering my mouth. Brantley was in the parking garage that day? He could have stopped what happened and didn't?

"No," I whisper, my heart threatening to crack in half.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Brantley snaps.

"Yeah, I do because I know you, motherfucker," Daniel says, exhaustion in his voice, as if he's had this conversation too many times to count. "And you know damn well I'm right. But there's no talkin' sense into you until you're ready to hear it. And I guess that day ain't today."

"What do you want me to say, Daniel?" Brantley growls. "That I'm fucking glad he died? I am! That I feel like shit because Bella got caught in the middle? I do! But I'm not fucking punishing myself."

My stomach churns. I reach out, grasping the wall as a wave of dizziness sweeps through me. He knew. He freaking knew they were in the parking garage and he just…what? Walked away? Left his dad there alone with them? Left Bella to find them there?

I can't wrap my mind around it. Brantley wouldn't do that. No matter how much he hated his father, he wouldn't do that. Would he?

He did. He just confirmed that he did exactly that. He walked away, left his father to die…and left my sister to walk into the middle of it.

And he's been keeping it from me the entire time.

I choke on a sob.


I glance up…into Daniel's eyes. He's standing right inside the door, staring at me, his expression full of remorse. Of resignation. Like he knew this was going to happen eventually.

I place my finger over my lips, silently pleading with him not to tell Brantley that I'm here. I can't face him right now. Not with the truth still ringing in my ears. Not with my world crashing around my feet.

Daniel hesitates for a moment and then nods reluctantly.

I back away from Brantley's office, turn…and then flee, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Chapter Nine


Ipace my office, frustration seething through me. I swear to Christ, sometimes Daniel drives me up the fucking wall. It's like he never knows when to quit. He pushes and picks at wounds and never fucking gives up. He's adamant that I'm paying these pricks off to punish myself, and maybe there's a thread of truth of that, but that's beside the point.

This is about doing what's right for Isla and for Bella. Because, regardless of any of my shit, Bella deserves safety. And Isla deserves peace of mind. They don't deserve to be causalities, torn apart by my father's bullshit.

"Brant, you've got a problem," Daniel says.

I've got so many fucking problems it's laughable.

I sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm not discussing it any further, Daniel. I've already made my decision. As soon as I talk to Isla to tell her what's happening, I'm going to meet them to discuss my terms. Either get on board or get out."


