Save Me (Bad Boys of Music Row #4) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Bad Boys of Music Row Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 52319 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 262(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

"Why are you worried about your dad?"

"He's overprotective on a good day. And we aren't having many of those lately. I don't want to hide you, but…"

"You're afraid to tell him about us," he says.

"Yeah." I swallow hard. "I may end up in Texas with Bella if I do."

"Because it's me." The look in his eye… God, I hate that look. It's like he thinks he isn't good enough for me. And that's the other reason I know he isn't okay. He still doesn't see himself clearly. He still has too many other voices ringing in his ears, drowning out his own.

"Because he doesn't know you," I say firmly. "You could be a freaking preacher, and he'd feel the same way. He doesn't trust anyone with us, especially not right now."

"I get that, baby. In his shoes, I'd feel the same damn way."

"I will tell him. I'd just like to wait until things are more settled if that's okay with you."

He cups my cheek, holding my gaze. "I'm not going anywhere, little bird. I'm not going to break this thing off because your dad doesn't know about me. If that's what you're worried about, put it out of your mind."

"My mom knows," I whisper.

Surprise flares in his eyes.

"Um, we talked about you this morning."

"You told your mom?"

"My stepmom, not Marion. I don't really talk to her much."

"I knew who you meant, Isla." He smirks at me. "I told my mom about you too."

My eyes widen. "Really?"

"Mmhmm. She wants to meet you."


"You thought she wouldn't?"

"I don't know!" I cry. "I've never met anyone's mom before."

"Me either."

"Guess we're tackling a lot of firsts together then, aren't we?"

"I guess so," I murmur, a little dazed at the thought.

"You going to spend the night with me and tackle another one?"

My face falls, disappointment coursing through me. "I can't. I promised my mom that I'd stay at home tonight. My dad is being a crazy person."

"No, baby." Brantley shakes his head, his voice soft. "He's being your dad. Let him."

I swallow hard and nod.

Chapter Seven


"Ineed a favor."

"Hello to you too, motherfucker," Memphis Hughes says, chuckling when I stroll through the doors of his bar, the Devil's Run, two days later, scowling at the topless blonde who bats her lashes at me. "Liv, you might as well go serve someone else. He ain't drinking or tipping."

"Worth a shot," she says, looking me up and down with a flirtatious grin. "At least he's hot."

"Jesus Christ," I mutter, earning a laugh from Memphis.

"New girl," he says, enjoying my misery. "She won't bother you again. She's sweet. Works here to pay for her brother's medical bills."

"I don't need her life story, Memphis." I plant my ass on a barstool, shaking my head. "Don't need to know anything about her, as a matter of fact."

"Just saying, I hire the girls I hire for a reason, brother," he murmurs. "Most of them have serious shit going on in their lives. And they make a helluva lot more working here than they do anywhere else. Plus, no one fucks with them here." He hits me with a hard look. "You judge the hell out of them when you come here, but they're grown ass women, man. They get to decide if they want to work topless or not. Some do, some don't. Ain't nothing wrong with those who do decide to strip down to make a living. Frankly, it's a little fucked up that you judge them for it when you used to practically live in a goddamn bar."

"I'm not judging them for it," I protest.

"Yeah, you are."

"I am not," I growl. "If they want to walk around topless, good for them. Their bodies, their choice. It's not my fucking business. I'd just prefer if they'd stop hitting on me every goddamn time I come here. I don't like it."

"Because they walk around topless."

"Because I was a fucking virgin until recently," I snap. "So excuse the fuck out of me if casual nudity is still new to me."

His eyes widen, his mouth popping open. "Well, shit," he finally drawls, chuckling. "I thought I was the only motherfucker left in this town who knew how to keep it in my pants. Then Dalton informs me that he's a motherfucking virgin. Now you. And Priest has his own shit." He shakes his head, laughing loudly. "How the fuck did it end up being the four us?"

"You were a virgin when you met your girl?" I ask, not entirely sure why I'm surprised. I've known Memphis for years. Until he met Kylie, he never bothered with women.

"Damn near," he mutters. "Hadn't been with a woman since I was seventeen."

I smirk at him. "I'm judging the fuck out of you right now, just so you know."

"Go for it." He shrugs, unperturbed. "Most people do. If I gave a shit about their opinions, it might bother me. But out of curiosity, why are you judging me?"


