Savage Vow (Dark Lies Duet #4) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Dark Lies Duet Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 92702 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

I lean back in the chair, tenting my fingers beneath my chin. This might turn out to be interesting, come to think of it. “Very well. And just what would that counteroffer consist of?”

She arches an eyebrow. “You’re willing to hear me out?”

“I’ll listen,” I grunt, nodding slowly. “But understand me. If I don’t like what I hear, I’m going to take what I want anyway. Nothing you say right now is going to change that. But please, do go on. I’m curious.”

Her jaw twitches again, and I know, I just know she’s fighting to maintain herself. What she wants is to smart off, to tell me to go fuck myself or something similar. She’s too smart for that.

She gestures to one of the chairs facing the desk, and I nod, watching as she takes a seat. She sits perfectly upright, at attention. “I’ve been thinking a lot about how I ended up here. Like I told you, a friend of mine gave me the information about the warehouse, the package, and all of that. It’s her fault I got into this in the first place. Whether she did it on purpose or not, she set me up for this. And I think it’s wrong for her to get off scot-free.”

I barely suppress an amused snort. “By all means. Go right ahead. I would never refuse the impulse for vengeance, but I’m still not sure what this has to do with me. Or our arrangement.”

She ignores my response altogether and continues, “I only know her through school, really. That’s how we met. We’ve never socialized outside of school because, as I told you, I never had any money for that kind of thing. No time, either.” Her gaze fixes over my shoulder as she stares out the window for a moment, almost like she’s reflecting on her life.

Her old life, now.

“And?” I prompt.

She shakes herself out of it, her gaze colliding with mine. “And that means I need to go back to school if I’m going to get to her. I need to pretend everything is going okay.”

“You want me to allow you to return to school so you can get back at the girl who sent you to the warehouse?”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I want.”

“Why would I do that? What do I get out of it? I need you with me, remember? If I’m going to breed you, I need to be with you.”

She leans in slightly, lowering her brow, fixing me with a cold stare. “I don’t know for sure if she is Josef Alvarez’s niece, but she did mention her uncle more than once, even if she didn’t drop his name. And remember, who did you assume I was when I told you my name was Elena?”

I look at the file and remember finding the information inside. “His daughter.”

“Exactly. My so-called friend was named after Josef Alvarez’s dead daughter. Obviously, the family connection is strong. You want to find a way to get to him? Then let’s get to her. We’ll both benefit from this. You know we will.” The need for revenge seeps into her words. I never took her for the type that would want vengeance, but I’m sure she’s never been in a situation like this. We never know how far we’ll go until we’re pushed.

“Don’t tell me what I know,” I warn.

“Think about it,” she urges. “We’ll both get what we want. I’ll go along with your… offer… without complaining, without any trouble at all. But I want this. And I know you want him.”

She settles back in the chair with a soft grunt. “Hell. I do, too.” I like this side of her. She’s showing me glimpses of the sort of woman who’d make an excellent wife for a man in my position. Strategic, levelheaded. Calm despite a gun aimed between her eyes.

While I see the truth in everything she said, part of me feels I should stay here and settle family business, making sure I present an image of strength in the face of tragedy.

At the same time, I can do that from Miami just as well. It isn’t as if my grandfather sat and festered in this chair. It isn’t as if we’ll be there forever, either.

And this might be just what I need to rid myself of Alvarez once and for all. I might not have succeeded by kidnapping his supposed daughter, but the niece named after his dead child? That could get me a lot further.

Naturally, I cannot reveal my true feelings about the idea to Alicia, not yet. I can’t come off as too eager, too willing to take her lead. “It isn’t a bad idea,” I murmur. “I’m willing to consider it. But…”

Her eyes narrow while her mouth pulls downward at the corners. “But?”

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to convince me of your dedication.”


