Santino DeLuca – Savage Bloodline Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Crime, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 40037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 200(@200wpm)___ 160(@250wpm)___ 133(@300wpm)


The Future



he doctor fixed my leg up with no problem. Santino grabbed my prescription and walked him out.

I lay on my bed, feeling like shit.

My eyes burned with tears.

I killed Grandma. God will never forgive me.

Birds cawed from the balcony.

Distraught, I turned that way.

Two crows perched on the balcony railing. The crows watched me with their black eyes and held their perches as still as statues. And those black eyes were bright and sharp with intelligence.

It was strange, but they looked like they were the same ones from yesterday.

I gave them a sad smile. “What are you two doing over there?”

Suddenly, they both cawed over and over as if they were trying to talk to me.

What are you saying?

They cawed and hopped up and down. Never had I witnessed crows act this way. I didn’t know what they were trying to say, but I swore they seemed pleased. Their shiny black feathers ruffled in the warm breeze and glistened in the light of the sunset.

“Hey. . .thanks for your kind words.” My heart ached with anguish. The pain was dull and thick, and it felt like a piece of steel rebar was being jammed through my heart.

I closed my eyes.

I’m going to be the destruction of the Killer Crows.

Tears spilled from my eyes.

As if they heard my thoughts the two crows loudly cawed again.

I opened my eyes. “What’s up, guys?”

They gracefully flapped their wings at me. Those feathers ruffled in the cool breeze.

For several minutes, I pretended that those two crows were my brother and sister. I imagined that their spirits had been reborn in those birds and that those raucous caws were sounds of encouragement.

And for some reason. . .parts of my gut knew that I was right.

“You’re. . .watching over me.” I wiped away my tears. “And. . .you’re proud.”

The crows cawed one more time and then flew away, rising high into the sky.

“No. Don’t go.” I sat up. “Not again. Please. . .”

“Who are you talking to?” Santino walked over to the bed.

I tried to point at them, but the crows flew fast away and disappeared into the sunny blue sky.

“Never mind.” I turned to him.

Santino sat next to me on the bed. “How does your leg feel?”

“It’s fine. I’ll be good to go in a few days.”

“You were amazing.” He grinned. “Now, we’ll have to come up with a wedding date and plan our—”

“Santino, I fucked up. There won’t be a wedding.”

“You didn’t mess up.”

“Killer Crows will be divided.”

“It already looked divided in that meeting.”

“Sure, but some will side with me—”

“And others will come to kill you.” His face went fierce with rage. “And my men and I will handle them.”

“But. . .”

“Between your loyal people and my men, they’ll be outnumbered.” Santino shrugged. “This is the way of war. Either they’ll stand down or die.”

“But, can it truly be that easy?”

“This is the very path that most successful bosses have taken.”

“And what happened to most of them?”

“They conquered. They survived.”

“But. . .I didn’t want to lead through violence and blood. We’d already seen enough.”

“You tried. They didn’t. Now you’ll have to educate them.” He beamed. “Then, we’ll marry and there will be peace.”

“Who knows when that will be?”

He hit me with an intense gaze. “It will be soon.”

I blinked.

His expression softened. “By the way, you’re a fucking brutal soldier with a good aim.”

I grinned. “Actually, I’m a boss with an exquisite aim.”

“Correct. You’re a fucking boss.” He leaned over and kissed my lips.

Desire flooded me, setting my whole body on fire. I ached for him. My blood pulsed and pounded with longing and need. My pussy throbbed for him.

This was the man I was going to be marrying. I would be his and he would be mine. No more doubts or fear swirled in my head.

Although I’d killed the Board and my grandma, I knew my life would still be filled with love and I would never have to worry about anything again.

Completely and totally.

Santino had already made a phone call to Don Enzo and other Capos. Santino’s simple request to him was that the DeLucas were to protect me and do whatever it took to make sure my reign remained.

Three planes full of men and weapons were on their way.

Santino pulled me into his big arms and consumed me with a heart-stopping kiss. His tongue explored my mouth.

Then, without taking his lips from mine, he lay me down, shed my clothes, and explored me more with his tongue—my face, my neck, my breasts, my nipples. He continued to explore me with his mouth—the insides of my thighs, the soft skin at the tops of my legs, the tips of my toes. All of it he kissed and licked and tasted until I was breathless with anticipation. Until my body blazed with desire..

I wanted to kiss him forever.


